Saturday, March 26, 2011

More heat

We slept until almost 9—this is Evelyn’s day off. She then did some laundry (her day off from leading exercise!), and I went over the service for tomorrow. I am using the sermons given to me several years ago at our Lenten services workshop. I am still moved by the message the seminary professor gave us then. The messages focus on the ironies during the last days of Jesus’ earthly life. This one focused on the sin and desperation of Judas after the betrayal. Judas didn’t have to “see to [his sin] himself” because Jesus had died to bring forgiveness to all who confess them and trust in God’s promises. That message warms and reassures my heart. I will love to remind those left in our worship circle tomorrow morning. We went off to the Academy sports shop and bought me 2 pairs of slip on shorts to wear while riding on our return trip and then to Whataburger for lunch before going to work at the Onion festival. We volunteer there for the hospital for 3 hours each year. Evelyn got into a snippy argument with a Canadian man who thought he knew everything about nutrition. He had accosted the wrong woman. I guess they finally came to a truce. I ran the alcohol information wheel. People spun a roulette type wheel and I asked them a question that corresponded with the color of dot on which it stopped. Of course, I had a lot of fun joking with the players but gave pencils, pens, or a small container of hand sanitizer to everyone who played. The cards containing the questions had the answers on the back, some of which were wrong or incomplete. We were very hot under the tent where the booth was. The tent had open sides which helped us to use the natural breeze for some comfort. It was hot enough that we didn’t stay long after our shift. There was some very good music played by various bands throughout the afternoon. We even danced a bit on the grass as we left the area. The big draw is the deep fried onions that are sold each year. There were 3 booths this year—the most we have ever seen there. Evelyn needed to color her hair and had the choice of my doing it or asking the friend we ate with last evening to do it. Her experience and my lack of made me go to her house to bring her here. She finished quickly and I took her home. On my way back I encountered to women travelling in a Roadtrek from Quebec. They wanted a site to live in but couldn’t find anyone in the office. I took them to a site and left them there. After supper, we watched “The King’s Speech”, winner of the academy award. We both thought it was very good. I also worked on tomorrow’s service.


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