Friday, April 24, 2009

Back home again in--North Carolina

We were wakened at 8:30 instead of the 7:30 we had requested. I would have been furious had the time been critical. Instead we had time. We were dressing for breakfast when the front desk called asking if we would like breakfast in bed! We were surprised to learn it was our creative jokester daughter calling from the lobby. She had taken Peter to school and stopped to say goodbye. We enjoy her sense of humor. I think I know where she gets it. We drove to her house and went in to get our frozen food from the freezer in her garage. One car was parked very close to the freezer door, but we managed to remove the items. We went to Trader Joe’s to get some wine for the summer season. I bought 1/3of a case of sauvignon blanc, 1/3 chardonnay, 1/3 white zinfandel. Also a case of ½ merlot and ½ shiraz. We drove to Franklin, trying to contact friends Barry and Jackie Conover but couldn’t. We would have bought them lunch at the Chinese restaurant but had to eat alone. We like Almond chicken but were disappointed in our meal there today. We drove on home but stopped at a drug store for some items. We were home around 4:30 and prayed a prayer of thanks for God’s blessing us with a good safe trip. We began unloading and finished half of the job. The neighbor across the street brought us a whopper to share even though I had asked her not to. We stopped work around 9, and Evelyn played the piano for therapy. She has a sore on her ankle that is inflamed.
We will try to go to an urgent care center tomorrow to see if we can get some treatment.


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