Friday, September 11, 2009


We were up and preparing for the day. We just love living here. The mountains are quite an attraction even though we grew up as flatlanders. I worked on learning how to work the computer I bought a couple of weeks ago. Evelyn still needs to rest once in a while each day so she did before we went to volunteer at the hospital. We were not too busy so we left at 3:30 because it was threatening rain. Evelyn napped a while and we prepared our stadium seats, rain gear and supper to take to the baseball game. We went to the rec center to board a bus that would take us to Asheville. As we prepared to board, the driver came out and told us the game had been postponed until tomorrow. We just drove to the lake and took our walk before driving to the Casterline’s cabin. We found no one there and started home. As we drove down the one lane gravel road, we encountered Paul coming home. He had to back up some until we could find a place to turn around. He followed us up and we visited a while until Shirley came driving their daughter’s car. She had borrowed it so we could play golf tomorrow. We visited a while and came home for bed.
Thursday Evelyn took me to the golf course to meet Shirley. We had a 10:10 tee time. We both had terrible rounds but did get to ride since we rented a cart. Evelyn met with the LWML women until 12:30. She went to the local college and made an appointment to get a haircut tomorrow. She came home and met me here for a bratwurst sandwich. She rested later while I worked on the computer again. We both expected that the rain would hit the ballpark again but went to the Rec center again. This time we left in a light rain that quickly dissipated on our way. We met Dallas and Karen at the park and saw one of the best games I have seen in years. The Tourists lost but the game was great. There was not a drop of rain. We returned to Waynesville a little before 11. I must mention that we bought $8 tickets and paid $2 each to ride the 25 miles to Asheville. This was almost free compared to the cost of driving there. We have to do more serious cleaning tomorrow for the spiral Saturday. I chopped most of the vegetables needed for the crawfish etouffee.


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