Friday, October 17, 2014

Sailing south

I began the cruise with good intentions: I would eat a high protein diet and avoid alcohol and sweets.  I did maintain this for about 3 days but eased up after that.  I had also intended to walk around the ship for at least a mile each day but did that only the first day.  I walked after that but not in a dedicated manner.  Our first 2 days were at sea, so I was able to walk some.  I am happy I did because we saw several whales breaching on the second day at sea.  Many saw them the first 2 days.  I also saw some sort of large fish breach 3 times after the whale sighting.  Of course the whales were going north as we sailed south.  It was very hot and humid but not as bad as the shore trips later.  We met as a group for a dinner in the Azul restaurant one evening.  I had thought I had forgotten my long pants but found them shortly after the first day.  We had rolled our clothes, and they looked like shorts.  As on our previous canal cruise, a local man had been hired to lecture. on the Canal’s history.  He had lived in Panama as a child and attended an elementary school there.  Ironically, one of the women in our group had lived with her military parents during the same time.  They were too young at that time to remember each other but did get together to reminisce later.  We also attended the 2 shows each of the first 2 evenings.  The first is normally a big production number by the resident cast.  The second was a comedian who took several people from the large audience to act our a comedy version of “Old MacDonald Had a Farm.”  It was funny but very long.  The same man did the same thing the 3rd evening to “The Wizard of Oz”.  That was funnier but also long.  What else did we have to do, anyway.  We enjoyed our balcony cabin.  We were disappointed that we couldn’t stop in Cabo San Lucas because it had been devastated last week by a category 4 hurricane.  It was always one of the most beautiful ports on the west coast of Mexico.

Our balcony cabin 2014-09-27 001  Our balcony cabin 2014-09-27 002This is Evelyn enjoying our balcony as we sailed.


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