Thursday, October 02, 2008

More work around the house

We slept fairly well last night except for my CPAP machine’s malfunction. It makes a noise and I take it off : result is snoring. I went to listen to the weather and make coffee. It was 39 this morning. Evelyn showered and got ready for her Bible study. We had a small piece of homemade raisin toast because she usually has a brunch at any of the women’s meetings. I showed her how to operate the CD player and off she went. I went to the neighbor’s to see their yard sale and saw our friends from the lake, Mickey and Frances. I invited them for coffee and rhubarb/cherry crunch Evelyn had made. They really liked it and I copied the recipe for her. We had a nice visit until about noon. I went out and started the watering of the plants and began work on cleaning the Maxxaire vent cover. We have decided we can’t put it on correctly so will have to drill a few more holes in the trailer. I think it will work fine. Evelyn came home and we enjoyed more of the chicken/rice casserole. She rested a while and finished dusting the house while I continued work on cleaning the vent cover. I decided to walk around the loop 10 times; Evelyn joined me for the final 3. I invited Jim and Kathy for snacks, but they never came and never bothered to say they weren’t. That is the 2nd time they have pulled that. We continued after supper with cooking meals for our visitors and for the LWML meeting next Thursday. Evelyn is the hostess and will serve some brunchy type dish. We made several telephone calls after 9 and watched the vice presidential candidate debate. We learned that Evelyn’s aunt and uncle will not be coming here until Sunday evening. We expected them tomorrow.


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