Sunday, October 26, 2014

Weather comparison

towel monkey 2014-10-07 001

Most of the nights, the cabin steward molds some towels into the shape of an animal.  This one is a monkey.

Puentarenas, Costa Rica 2014-10-04 001

The dark beach in Puentarenas, Costa Rica.

Puentarenas, Costa Rica 2014-10-04 002

This port provided a welcomed little tram to transport us from the ship to the small town.  It was welcomed because it was hot.

We found some good bargains here.  We bought some gifts.  I tried to get a haircut, but the barbers chose to ignore me and take the locals instead.  I walked out.  I had gone into town earlier to try to buy some Pepsi.  I couldn’t get a straight answer from the grocery store clerks, so I walked out of there too.  Here in North Carolina it has been gorgeous weather nearly all week.  It is cold in the mornings but near 70 during the afternoons.  We had a work day yesterday and nearly everyone in the area here came to help.  I borrowed a neighbor’s truck to take the trimmings and limbs to another friend who has an area where the things can be burned safely.  I played golf Thursday.  We began in a dense fog and got our feet wet.  By the end of the first 9, I was sure I was going to have frostbite in my toes.  I was blessed that it warmed up enough to provide some warmth.  Today we had a lunch after church in honor of a woman’s 100th birthday.  She is still alert and able to maneuver with the aid of her walker.  What a blessing she is to our church and everyone who knows her. 


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