Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving worship

Wednesday was slow. I rode back to the pharmacy because I had only received 30 tablets even though the prescription had been for 90. They explained that the insurance only covered 30 at a time. I rode back and we continued putting things away. Evelyn had gone to exercise and was late in getting back because she had to talk with one of the ladies about tomorrow’s table decorations. We had lunch on our screened in porch. We have enjoyed the temperate weather we have had since we arrived. I took an old ceiling fan to our neighbor who volunteered to take a look at it. He is multi-talented and has made us a stained glass rooster for our NC home. We had expected him to bring it to us this past summer. They had too much to do in other visiting. We rested in the afternoon and then got ready for worship in the evening. I thought we were singing and then rehearsing after but was wrong. I also called Arizona to cancel the insurance on our motor home. I wanted to pay quarterly but they charged our credit card more than the annual rate. We came home and tried to find our passports. We think they are here but are concerned. We told the travel agent to book the Panama Canal cruise for us to leave April 15 from New Orleans. We want to take a train back from Vancouver. I want to say that we both miss our friends who just dropped us last spring. They haven’t even told us what I did to make them stop being friendly. We really miss socializing with them. We came home and watched TV. I also must note that Purdue has accepted a bowl bid to the Champs Bowl in Florida on December 29. Since they will not be in San Antonio, we will have a bowl party that night. We have already invited two and possibly three couples. We will invite our former friends too.


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