Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

New Year’s Eve morning I went off to play golf at Stuart Place. I drove and took two others. I played fairly well on many holes but cost myself more than 6 strokes by taking penalties for hitting into the water. I walked the course but one of the older men who rode a cart got very tired so we came directly home, and I was just in time for lunch. Evelyn had exercised and worked around the house until then. We ate and then she went off to get her nails refilled. I went to the hall to help set up for the New Year’s Eve party we were scheduled to work. It didn’t take long and I came home at about the same time Evelyn returned. We took naps to prepare for being up later tonight. We went to the dance and had a good time dancing to the DJ. We served Church’s chicken and Ci Ci’s pizza at 10 to the people in attendance. Everyone had all they wanted because they had brought snacks and had eaten popcorn. There was enough left over that the workers divided what was left to take home. We left around 11 and came home. We never stay until midnight because there might be many drunks that might feel overly amorous and seek my beautiful wife out. I like to seek her out myself. One riotous thing happened. One of the fun loving guys in the park went home, changed clothes (removing his wallet, watch, etc.) and came back to incite the men at his table to throw him into the swimming pool. They dragged him out and threw him in. We all felt sorry for him until we learned he had planned the whole thing. He went home again and changed into red long johns and a white beard to be the year 2007. He is quite “the life of the party”.


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