Friday, February 22, 2008

Charity day

Thursday we were up early. I went to help park cars for the fund raiser and Evelyn went to exercise until time for her to clean tables. I ate some of the biscuits and gravy that were delicious. About 10:30 the event was over, and I helped put the tables and chairs back. I came home with Tom Crouch and looked at the pergola. I had a hook for hanging the chair hammock Evelyn bought last week, but Tom said it was not large enough. He gave me one he had left over. I now need a chain to hang the chair on to make it low enough for her to sit in. Evelyn took a nap while I worked on the message for next Sunday. I had not had time to work since Phil was here. We had lunch and then I worked some more while Evelyn rested again. She sees the doctor tomorrow so she can learn how to increase her energy. I had not showered this morning so I did and then I took a nap. I just can’t seem to shake this cold or allergy attack. I called the country club where I thought she had left her glasses yesterday but it was the wrong country club. We had supper and then Evelyn left for the Mary/Martha meeting. She was to lead the lesson and provide the snack that every women’s meeting must have. I stayed home and watched “Letters from Iwo Jima”, a film by Clint Eastwood that gave the enemy point of view to the “Sands of Iwo Jima”. It was a very good film but in English subtitles. I had to pay close attention to know what was going on. I also finished planning the worship services for the rest of the year.


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