Tuesday, July 20, 2010


We were at the hospital before 9:30, my check in time. I had been concerned that I would not do well with the MRI since I had to go into a tube. I was pleasantly surprised. I thought the procedure would take 45 minutes, but it was only 15. I had hoped to take a nap but only had time to doze. We then went to Evelyn’s hairdresser to make an appointment for a haircut Thursday. We then went downtown where I bought some oil on special and went to the Haywood Christian Ministry to look for a razor and visor. We found none but did when we went to the Open Door thrift store. We had to cancel our service for tomorrow because of Evelyn’s appointment for an ultrasound of her thyroid. We came home for lunch and then I slept most of the afternoon. I wonder what is wrong that I am always so tired. I pray it is not something serious. Evelyn had packed up every leftover we had in the house and off we went to the weekly potluck/Bible study. I stayed after to talk with 2 divorced women who felt betrayed by Jesus in His proclamation about divorce causing women to become adulteresses. I pointed out that He was trying to illustrate how men could damage women and how we all corrupt the law because we can’t keep it. We walked around the lake and barely finished before dark. It was cooler than this morning but still caused me to sweat. At home, Evelyn talked for some time to her friend, Pauline Flynn from Ft. Wayne.


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