Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Little White House.

We were up and eating breakfast in the motel by 8:30. We were almost run out of the dining area at the end. We packed our lunch and left for Warm Springs, GA to visit FDR's little White House. It was about 40 miles away and we arrived at 10. We spent 3 1/2 hours viewing the memorabilia of FDR. There was great emphasis on how he fought yet adapted to his infantile paralysis--polio. He was quite an inventor and designed an automobile operated by hand only. He was quite debilitated, unable to even stand much by himself. He kept the seriousness of the disease from most of the public. He came to Warm Springs for the warm mineral waters that he believed had healing powers. He was quite generous with the community and built large pools for polio victims to receive therapy. It was from here that many ideas for his national programs came. He died here while sitting for a portrait. We ate our picnic in a lovely area just outside the White House and went off to the Callaway Gardens. It is a 750 acre plot filled with flowers, butterflies, and vegetable gardens. We really enjoyed the displays. I will try to publish some pictures. On the way back to Columbus, we got behind a crew painting the white strip on the right side of the road. The crew was in no hurry and wouldn't pull over to allow the 30 cars backed up to pass. We finally came to a side road and drove around the crew after creeping for 30 minutes. We arrived back in Columbus, ate dinner, and came back to the motel to rest up for the drive tomorrow.


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