Tuesday, August 31, 2010

ear adjustment

We walked early and walked again. We returned home and I watered while Evelyn began working on cleaning the deck. She handed the furniture over the rail to me. When we had cleared the area, I came in and brushed the walls while she washed each supporting post of the entire porch. We sprayed down the walls and came in to take showers and eat lunch. Afterward she rested while I called and made an appointment with the audiologist. I took my hearing aids to her office for her to look over. I returned home and watched some of the programs I had recorded. Evelyn finished preparation for the potluck. The audiologist called and wanted me to come at 4:45 for further adjustment. I took Evelyn to church to help set up the area for the dinner. I went to the doctor and found she had increased the power of the aids, and I could hear better during the Bible study. We came home, Evelyn walked and I continued looking on line for Roadtreks and Rialtas. We would like to buy one and leave it here for use during the summers. I made a T time for Thursday at 8:40. Phil might come with and follow me around. Of course we may not go because the temperature prediction is upper 80s. I don’t know whether I can stand the heat.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Water heater woes

We slept late again today but walked while it was still cool. First we had to go under the house to adjust the water heater again. Evelyn went with me so she can do it by herself if I can’t get there. It has been cool until after noon recently. We came home around 10:30 and Evelyn showered. The water had heated up while we walked. I seasoned some hamburger patties we planned to have for lunch. I started the grill at 11 and then I cleaned up. She made a fruit dessert and we ate lunch. She previewed her Bible study while I worked on cleaning up the Holland grill. I even used some oven cleaner that was pretty good at cutting the grease. Oh, yes. I had to return to the water heater because the water was scalding as it was yesterday. We went to town to the grocery that was having a great half price sale on items we use. We also needed some things for the making of the crawfish etouffee. We brought the things home, and Evelyn began chopping the items I usually chop for the etouffee. I guess it was not in the plan. I did read over a set of papers concerning our new auto insurance plan. I seem to be past the worst of the vertigo.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Improved balance.

We wakened later than usual but did make it to Bible class. We learned more about the Islamic threat. We are doomed as a nation and as a religion because we are too far behind in the birthrate and the politically correct idiots are giving our country away. We also learned that Muslims build a mosque at the site of victories over their enemies. Have you heard of the mosque that will likely be built near the site of the attack on the World Trade Centers? I was wobbly this morning but much better than Friday. I climbed to the choir loft and sang with the choir before enjoying Holy Communion. The wonderful part of that is that it reminds me that Christ will defeat Satan and has promised to include us in the victory party. We had been invited out to dinner but had to go home to get our wine house gift and my hearing aids. Their home was up around 4,000 feet. Evelyn drove for safety and did a good job albeit being scared. We enjoyed a delicious pork dinner and conversation. He is a retired navy and an English major. We had a good time just talking. We came home and had popcorn for supper before watching a movie I had recorded.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A most miserable day

I woke Friday and was knocked back in bed, my head spinning. I crawled to the bathroom stool and had to sit down to pee, afraid to stand for fear of falling. I did recover slightly and took a shower while Evelyn was still at home. I don’t know how I was able to stand that long because I returned to bed with my head spinning again. When I tried to sit up, I was knocked back again. Thanks be to God that I was always sitting on the edge of the bed when it happened. Whenever I rolled out of bed I had to pause on my knees. Sometimes I vomited and sometimes I just had dry heaves. Regardless, I lost all my medicine and a piece of toast. I could hardly turn my head to roll over in bed where I spent the entire day. When I was called to the bathroom, I had to crawl pushing my vomit tub in front of me. Evelyn went to the hospital but returned home very early. She brought some Meclazine for dizziness. I had never felt the complete helplessness before. I learned later that I must suffer from vertigo. I ate nothing all day until evening when I did get some noodle soup down. Evelyn was able to leave me alone because I was not going anywhere. I did lose 2 doses of medicine during the ordeal.
I woke Saturday much better but not cured. Stacy called and gave us some advice and told us of Peter’s triumph in the first band show at the local football game. He was even able to go down with the cheerleaders to play drums at half time. She was thrilled as were Tom and Peter. He had a great blast at the game and was very tired when he came home. I also called Maury Musselman, a friend who had a similar attack while we were serving Christ together on a Brethren Way of Christ weekend. He said he had similar treatment as I had except for getting a shot for the nausea. He was in bed for 4 complete days before he began to recover. I also talked with Sue, Stacy’s mother-in-law who had been a nurse but had suffered the vertigo as well. Our stories are all similar and the big news from them was that it just goes away in time. There doesn’t seem to be anything much one can do to treat it. She did suggest that I see a doctor to be as certain as possible. I will probably go Monday rather than go to the ER and sit there all day waiting to be seen. Evelyn went to a baby shower at Jo’s house and was gone until after 3:30.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Making arrangements for NYC

Evelyn took me to the golf course after breakfast. I teed off on the back 9 again around 9 o’clock. It was much cooler than the most recent time I played. Unfortunately, I played my usual terrible game. I was alone again. I did have more trouble with my legs than before. I had been taking therapy for my left leg, but my right leg has swollen since the trip back from Xenia. My knee is stiff and I can hardly get out of a chair. Evelyn did some sewing and retrieved me at noon. I watered when I came home and showered while Evelyn made a tandoori chicken dish for lunch. It was good but messy to eat. Evelyn had the idea for me to elevate my right leg, so I lay down on the couch and took a nap. Evelyn went to bed and read until I wakened and made her go to sleep. After supper Evelyn walked around the loop. After she finished, Dianne came to walk, so she went again. Earlier in the day I went back under the house to reduce the temperature of the water. I also called the hotel we will be staying in while in NYC and was directed to some limo drivers that can transport us to and from Penn Station and the pier. We just watched TV before bed.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A day out

We slept later and then went to walk and finished around 10. We decided to go run errands before going home. We drove out to Barber Orchard to get some Honey Crisp apples. We also bought an apple muffin for our upcoming dessert. We drove back past a fabric shop to look for some oil cloth or felt. They had none. We went to Best Buy to get a Kodak printer that was on sale. But I had to trade my old one in. Unfortunately the one I want to use is in Texas. We learned that WalMart has no fabric either. We looked for a pizza restaurant but found it was out of business. We went to the country club because we had a discount coupon. We had a grouper sandwich. I thought mine was good but Evelyn had a bad one. We went on the GO Grocery and then to Ingalls for supplies to be used at our football party before returning home. Evelyn was very tired and took a nap. I started to take a shower but found we had no hot water. The power outage had ruined our water heater. I crawled under the house to find the reset button on the heater. I found it but must have also increased the heat because Evelyn said she almost scalded her. I will likely have to go turn it down. We had some salad and salsa for supper and then went to choir practice, after which Evelyn walked with the ladies in the Meadow. We watched TV and went to bed.

Back to our regular schedule

We were walking the lake by 10. We had unloaded some of the car and put some things away earlier because I had therapy scheduled at 11. It was much cooler with lower humidity than previously so we walked in comfort. I went for therapy on the way home and the therapist said I need not return. He gave me some exercises to do at home and cautioned me to consult the doctor if things didn’t improve or deteriorated. We came home for lunch, but first I trimmed our large holly bushes and took the trimmings to the field. I borrowed Gene’s wheelbarrow, rake and pitchfork to use. The holly branches have painful stickers on them. I showered after lunch and tried to deal with the email. Evelyn did several loads of laundry and prepared a green bean dish to take to the church. We picked up my medicine on the way and were there on time. We came home around 8, and I watched the Cubs until around 10 when the power went off in the entire neighborhood. It was still off when I went to bed at 11. Then it came back on near 12. I got up to continue watching a program I had recorded. It went off 3 more times and I gave up.

Long drive to a baseball game

We were wakened by the telephone alarm. Stephen had come to sleep in the motor home with us, so he and Evelyn began assembling the remaining items for us to take with us. I went in to shower and dress. We had decided to leave without eating breakfast and were gone by 8:30. We filled our tank with cheaper gas and left for the trip home. We were surprised that gas was so cheap in Ohio. We drove through Cincinnati and to Richmond, KY where we stopped at a Waffle House for a waffle breakfast. We drove on without any problems with our sights set on Corbin, KY, home of KFC. I like to call it the “Shrine” because Evelyn loves the stuff so much. Unfortunately, we were just a few minutes after a bus full of people with the same idea. We decided there were too many in front of us so we drove on. We found a Hardees that has chicken tenders just in KY and ate there. We usually share a meal and did both times today. We drove on to Knoxville and stopped at the Russell Stover outlet again. We have a favorite Shell station across the road from there and try to make 2 stops in 1. We proceeded and called Phil to tell him we would be home a little before 5 and would like to have him drive to the ball game so we wouldn’t have to unload the car. He and Joann were right at our house to get us at 5. We left there and drove to Asheville to a hoagy restaurant for supper. We had BOGOF coupons and enjoyed our supper. We ate half of ours and brought the other half home. We went to the ball park and settled in for a good game that the Tourists won. We had stopped at a Meijer grocery on the way home and bought some bulk roasted in the shell peanuts we had hoped to enjoy. They were stale and we stopped eating them. We were home by 10:30 but were awake at 11. We had been blessed with a long day.

Home church worship

We slept late again and had a late Breakfast/lunch of pancakes made by Rosalie. The highlight of the morning was the table debate between Pieder and Andrew. I had to get our things packed for tomorrow’s departure so I was in and out. It was centered on Pieder’s giving in to the children’s request to see a video this evening. At least that is what I think it was about among other things dealing with being a liberal. Afterward, we continued packing and preparing the barn area for the home church in the afternoon. Several couples came and three times as many children. The service was the shortest they have ever had. It was led by one of the men in the group. He focused on Galatians chapter 4 and dealt with the truth that we are heirs of God through Christ. It was uplifting, but we both noticed that none of the wives or girls made any comments in the discussion. But then again, neither did most of the men. Regardless there was a big carryin buffet and many games for the children. Evelyn and I just sat outside planning to watch the children swim but strangely enough none of them did. Everyone was gone home shortly after 8, and we began to watch the promised movie, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, the same play the children were in Friday. Of course it was more complete and more colorful. We went to bed directly after it was over.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The finished Purdue wishing well built by Noah

The elegant lettering is by Evelyn.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Days at the Beeli's

Thursday we walked early and came home for Evelyn to ready herself for her Bible study. I watered the plants. I took her to the church before 9:30. I came home and called Emily to see if she wanted the grapes Gene had offered. She said she did so I went over to his house and trimmed grapes into our Playmate cooler. I came home and showered after packing most of the things into the car. I also ran the vacuum cleaner. I went to get Evelyn right at 12:30, and she was ready. We came home, she changed clothes, and we left for Xenia. We stayed on I-40 and joined I-75 in Knoxville. We stopped just before they joined at the Russell Stover outlet and loaded up on much needed chocolate. :-) We had an uneventful trip except for eating our Blimpie sandwich as we drove. We shared 1 at 1:30 and saved the other until 5. We thought we would not have supper. When we got there, however, she had hamburgers waiting for us. They had agreed to “sheep-sit” for some friends and were milking all 4 when we arrived. The friends had brought a portable solar powered electric fence. We talked with the father while his sons and Andrew played in the pool. We had also brought many transparent apples, so E&E had to peel and process them before they spoiled anymore. We had a good visit and then went to the motor home Emily had borrowed for us again. We were up until almost midnight.

Friday was the big day for the play. Emily took Noah, Rosalie, and Elizabeth to their final rehearsal. Andrew worked on his computer while Stephen and I played cards together. Evelyn and Emily went to a farmer’s market until time to bring the kids home. Stephen and I painted 3 door surfaces in their barn. That took us around 2 hours. We had lunch and then Emily and Andrew went to play miniature golf with some other home school families. Evelyn, Elizabeth and I took the grapes off the stems and ran some of them through their juicer. It made several quarts of very good grape juice. We couldn’t do all of them because there weren’t enough containers for them. We dressed and went to the play, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” based on the novel by C. S. Lewis. It had a great Christian theme. Noah was one of the leads and the girls had minor parts. Rosalie even played 2 different characters. It was really a blessing to see them in the play. We had to go in 2 different cars and Pieder, Evelyn and Andrew went home in 1. As we started home, Emily said we should go for the ice cream I had offered. We had everyone else in their Suburban, so we went to the Cold Stone Creamery for the treat. I took one home for Evelyn and Andrew to share. Pieder is still on the low carb diet, so I didn’t take him one. We went to bed a bit earlier and were surprised to find that Stephen joined us in the motor home. He slept on the couch.

We slept until almost 9 on Saturday. The planned menu was French toast but first the sheep had to be milked. Sheep are cantankerous animals. They have to be lured into the milking stall with grain and sometimes have their hind legs tied to be milked. They also have a strange configuration of their udder and teats. They stick out to the sides, making it difficult to perform the function. They also try to get out each time 1 of them is brought out for milking. I have spent several minutes chasing them down in the yard and dragging them back to the pen. I even had to get a wooden club and smack them in the head and body to get them away from the gate opening. They are heavier, more aggressive and stronger than one might expect. Rosalie and Noah do the milking. He has had much experience with milking goats but not sheep. They really dislike the chore. Noah had spent most of the day helping a divorced woman with some of her chores. He is very dedicated to helping her for no remuneration. He is a delightful Christian young man. We had eaten a very late breakfast and lunch, so we had no supper. I tried to make popcorn but burned it. I used 3 different pans with almost the same result in each. I missed my StirCrazy! I never burn popcorn when I use it. The boys ate the pizza we had brought from home. I had spent the day mostly playing with Stephen and Elizabeth. For a while Pieder and I played Foosball against them. I am not good at the game.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tomato bonanza

We walked in the cool of the morning. While returning home, I noticed the door to the landscaper’s office was open. I stopped in and complained about the branches still being in our yard. They were removed later in the day. We returned home for a light breakfast and work. Evelyn cleaned the back of the car and lay down to rest. I tried to work on checking into the possibility of booking a hotel in NYC through NCL. I couldn’t do in on the computer, so I will have to call them tonight. After lunch we went to my therapy. I seriously doubt much progress has been made. I worked a while but then went on to Evelyn’s appointment to have calluses removed from her feet. From there to the library and to Blimpie Subs. We decided to buy a sandwich for tomorrow’s lunch. We will eat here before leaving for Ohio. We brought it home and watched Glenn Beck. He has some wonderful examinations of history that many people should learn. I was a history minor in college but have learned many things. I do remember things from my studies that have been erased from American history. Beck has revived many of them in a very interesting way. We began checking our list of things to pack and began loading the car. We were off to choir practice. It rained a bit on the way but mostly stayed off to the south and east. It did cool things a bit. The choir director decided the choir would not sing Sunday since we will be gone. This was strange since they survive without us all winter. Evelyn and I drove to Artie’s to get some tomatoes. He brings them to the church often and has a large garden filled with many vegetables. He invited us into his house. It was very hot inside because he likes it that way. His wife, Anita, likes it cool. She is quite crippled due to her polio. They have been very good servants of Christ, especially in churches. We came home to rest for tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

3 days

We were blessed with an uplifting message and Holy Communion at church. We came home for lunch and watched some of the Cubs/Cardinals game. For some unexplained reason, the Cubs scored many runs. I made popcorn to take to the band concert. We picked up Rich and Helen Ribbe and took them with us. The concert was not as good as some in the past. It was sultry inside the pavilion but tolerable. We went to their house for cake, ice cream and 4 games of Sequence before coming home.
Monday we got up at 8 and walked. We were home by 9 and ate breakfast. Evelyn peeled the last of our apples and I worked on the computer. We didn’t eat lunch until 1 which was bad because we are scheduled to share a hoagy at 5:30. The bad news is that Karen Norris had a “spell” this morning, and Dallas had to take her to the hospital for some tests. The doctor told her to stay out of the heat, so they did not go to the baseball game with us tonight. I doubt that we will make any more games with them this year. I went to my therapy session at 2:00 and came home to get ready for the ballgame. We took Dwain and Pat Perry with us, and we went to the hoagy place for dinner before going to the Asheville Tourists. They won in the 9th inning. Some Greenville fans (women) were driving us crazy by screaming like excited 8 year olds. When we won, our girls screamed back at them. I jokingly warned them that the Greenville babes were much bigger than we were. Nothing much developed. It was quite hot at the game so we were happy to get back into air conditioning.
Tuesday I decided to play golf. I thought it would be cooler and it was. Just not enough cooler. Evelyn took me to the course, and I played the back 9 first as usual. Evelyn came back for me at noon. I played only 11 holes. She had spent the morning making a dessert to take to the potluck/Bible study tonight. After watering the plants and eating lunch, I showered and went to see the audiologist to get my new hearing aids. I am not sure they are worth the money because I never thought I was very hard of hearing. I want to fix 2 problems: background noise when I watch TV and road noises when we are riding in the car. Those are the situations in which I have the most trouble. I tried watching TV but fell asleep. We went to the church, and I was asked to lead the prayer before the meal because the pastor called and said he would be late. We were home by 8. Unfortunately, we are not getting the rain that has been predicted. We need it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

music for the fairgrounds

We walked again this morning and were blessed with cooler weather. We were home by 9:30, and Evelyn painted the most lovely Purdue lettering on our wishing well. She used a black paint on our gold standards. I trimmed some more branches off our River Birch trees and watered the plants. I worked on the computer while Evelyn cooked some Italian sausages for lunch. I changed auto insurance companies from Geico to 21st Century. I also tried to enroll in Lifelock, but got the feeling I had been lowballed in their advertised price. After lunch we both rested and napped while watching golf and the Cubs game. At 5:15 we drove to the fairground around the corner for a music festival to support the fair and fairgrounds. We shared a barbecue dinner and listened to the music. There were 6 music groups and 2 clogging groups. All were quite good. We were home by 10:15. I will try to post some pictures when I can.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Good weight news

We walked early and were picking apples around 9:30. The tree had about half a bushel that were still usable. We will take them to Xenia next week. I stored them under the house where it is cooler hoping they will last. The big threat will come from the ants that will probably find them. We cleaned up and began to dress for the hospital. Then we remembered that Evelyn needed to weigh in at WW. She dressed in lighter clothes while I loaded the recyclables into the car. We were delighted that she had lost a pound since the last weigh in. We drove to Monteith’s to return the extension picker and then to the dump. We proceeded to the hospital a bit early. We ate our lunch and then I went to the lobby to try to work on the computer. Evelyn went to the floor. I had to go for my first physical therapy at 1:00. I had a different therapist because Carlos was gone. She was named Debbie and was cute. She did work with me for about half an hour trying to strengthen my calf muscles and improve my balance. I returned to the hospital and worked for a while. We left amid a great deal of thunder but no rain. We came home and had enchiladas for supper before going to the Tollefson’s to meet Gary’s brother and wife from Natchitoches. We stayed until 8:30 but then drove north to get advance tickets for tomorrow’s Mountain music at the fairground across the street. When we returned, Evelyn had the urge to call her brother to learn about Justin. It is a puzzle to me: he doesn’t care enough to inform her about his status (he has come back from Afghanistan) nor to have any interest in Evelyn’s health. Cest le gere!

braving the heat

We didn’t walk Thursday because Evelyn had a luncheon at 11:30. I took the car to the golf course and walked the back 9 again. It was cooler when I started but heated up by hole 13. Hole 12 was interesting. The Tee markers had been move 50 yards closer to the green. They were barely visible from the previous location. It made the hole much easier. After 9 holes I went to the clubhouse to rest. There were many people lined up to tee off on #1, so I ate a $.99 hotdog before going back to play. There was a man ahead in a cart. We met on hole 2, and he invited me to ride with him so I did. I was getting quite tired by then anyway. I loaded my clubs onto the cart and rode with my new folded push cart on my lap. I played a bit better but not well. I got woozy on hole 8 and didn’t play it but did bogey hole 9. I was home by 1:30 and barely beat Evelyn home. She was disappointed in the luncheon meal. Jo had done a great job especially since the original location had backed out. The meal at the Grandview Inn was small, expensive and not very good. Banquet meals rarely seem worth the cost. We rested in the afternoon, but Evelyn decided she had to walk in the evening. We also had an apple mission. The man at the end of the road has a transparent apple tree. We stopped to ask if we could pick some of the remaining apples. He agreed to let us, so we went to the lake. While Evelyn walked, I went to borrow a extension fruit picker and spent the time before Evelyn finished talking with Frances and Mickey Monteith. We came home and went to bed after the 10 O’clock news.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A day full of doctors

We walked a bit earlier and were not so hot. We came home and got ready to go to the audiologist. They offered macadamia not cookies so we hadn’t missed breakfast. We had 2 doctors test me and sell me hearing aids. I think they will help, but I will have 2 weeks of free trial. If I think they help, I will have 30 more days to confirm. Evelyn thinks I should get the most expensive ones because they might do the most good. I am most concerned that they allow me to hear above road noises in the car. The technology of the new aids is phenomenal. We came home around noon for lunch and then went to town. We picked up my golf shoes at the repair shop and then went to the CVS pharmacy to buy some things on special. We saved around $50—but spent much more. On to the library to get books and then to the GO Grocery to replace some of our staples. Then home to store the items before going to my physical therapy. We met my therapist, Carlos, originally from El Paso. His last name was Wilson. He wants to see me for 3 more visits before we leave for Ohio. We came home once more to get our enchiladas to take to the potluck/Bible study. We finally came home for the last time today. The ladies were just beginning to walk so Evelyn joined them. I watched some of the programs I had recorded earlier in the evening. I stayed up later because the Cubs were on TV from San Francisco.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life after spiral

We didn’t get up early, so we didn’t walk until 9. It was getting very hot by the time we finished. We came home and watered the plants. Evelyn talked with Doris about the apples belonging to the neighbor at the end of our week. We still don’t know about whether we can pick the apples yet. We want to take some to Emily. We had a light lunch around 1 because we had made a plan to go with Phil and Joan to the Sweet Onion for dinner. We rested in the afternoon (from what?) and then dressed to go. We picked them up and enjoyed a delicious dinner. We shared crab cakes and a salmon entrée. We ordered a crème Brule but canceled it because we were full. We went to Joan’s to play Tripoli. Evelyn had fun playing and won the final pot. It is a good thing because we had lost big time in the bulk of the game. We were home around 10:30 and asleep after the news at 11. We had a nice shower during our ride home from the restaurant. We still need more. Our tomatoes are doing well, however, because I water them nearly every day.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Hosting the spiral

We didn’t go to Bible class this morning but did worship. We sang with the choir and sounded good. The man who brings vegetables had bought some, and we got some green beans. We brought them home and put them aside until after the spiral. We had a couple of hours prior to the arrival of the other couples. We finished preparing the Mexican meal. Ray and Annette called and told us that they would be late. Charles and Billie were on time and changed clothes because they had come from church. Our Mexican theme stimulated their bringing sopopia cheesecake. When Ray and Annette arrived, they had brought some smoked whitefish from their vacation trip to Lake Superior. We had wine and then had our sharing featuring what we will miss about our spouse when one of us dies. It was a very moving. The question was inspired by the passing of one of our friends, Mitzi Edwards. When we started our dinner, Bill Edwards joined us. It was his wife that had died. He doesn’t have to speculate as to what he misses. We had scheduled our spiral earlier than usual so Charles could get home early because he has an hour and a half drive to work tomorrow morning. Therefore, we ate at 4 and they left for Marion around 6. We cleaned up the kitchen and then both took naps. Around 8 we wakened and went to the lake to take a walk. We finished in the dark. We watched TV and read the Sunday paper until the news came on. It was hot this afternoon and will be really hot for the next week. I don’t know how much golf I will play this week. I am still wiped out from playing in last week’s heat.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Back to school bargains.

Walking again, we called Stacy and learned about Peter’s joining the marching band in high school. He has been at band camp all week and will go again next week. We are thanking God for His intervening. We went to the Shell station to learn that they don’t have my credit card. It must be around here somewhere. We went to the monthly flea market to look further for some sort of wall hanging. While there, we called Emily and sort of finalized our trip to her home in a couple of weeks. We didn’t find much to buy so we came home and cleaned ourselves. We had lunch and then I watered the plants. I thought we would take a nap, but Evelyn decided she needed to make the enchiladas for tomorrow. It took her a long time while I worked on the computer. She went in to lie down and read until around 3:30. We dressed and went back to Belk to buy for me. We got some shorts and couple of shirts. I am determined to give some of my clothes away. I think my closet is too full. We came home and Evelyn ironed for more than an hour. I made popcorn and also removed some tags from the garments we had bought. We have a big day planned tomorrow.

Tax free weekend

We walked again early. It was foggy, humid but cooler than for some time. We went back home, ate a light breakfast, cleaned up for going to the hospital and drove downtown. I stopped at the Shell station to see if anyone had found my credit card. The girl called the manager who said she would look tomorrow. From there we went to the Mexican grocery but found it closed. We went next door to the Tool Shed which carries Vera Bradley items. It is time for the end of summer sale. We found nothing Evelyn wanted. We left there and took my golf shoes to the cobbler. He had glued the soles on last year, but they were coming off again. He will work on them again. We went back to the grocery only to find it still closed (the posted hours are 10-9:30 and it was now 11). We drove on to the pharmacy to get my medicine before going to lunch at the hospital. We get $3.50 to spend for volunteering. The afternoon was very slow again so we left at 3. It had poured down while we were there but stopped before we were there. We rested and then dressed for the evening. We had 3 missions. We went back to the grocery to look for Mexican flags but found none. We went to Belk for clothes for Evelyn to take on the cruise. They had many things marked down 50% and it was tax free weekend. We saved $95 (spent $114) and left thrilled. We then went to the local country club for dinner. We had a coupon for a free appetizer with the purchase of an entrée. We had delicious smoked trout before sharing a 20 ounce pork chop and baked potato. I should have taken some of it home but didn’t. It was almost 9 and Evelyn had wanted to go to Art after Dark to look for a wall hanging. We went to several galleries but found nothing. Actually we were surprised anyone was still open. We came home. The evening had been one of the most temperate we had enjoyed all summer. Heat returns Monday.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Late Nighter

Some of the volunteers enjoying tacos. Many of the performers are gathering in line for their final meal before returning to their various native countries.

These are pictures of the "circagon circle" in which all the performers encircle the auditorium holding candles on the final night of performing.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Heat and heat

We left early, my thinking we were going for spiral supplies. But we weren’t. Instead, Evelyn took me to the golf course and left me there. It was shortly before 9 when I started playing the back 9. I was ready to Tee off when Pastor Ludwig, Pastor Parsch, and a laymen came to begin the second half of their round. Ludwig invited me to play with them, but I think they would have called me to start with them if they really wanted me to play with them. I have told them before that I was available. If they won’t call when they only have a 3some, I don’t need to bump in. I began playing and was hitting well. In fact I shot 45 on the back 9. Despite being quite hot, I was hitting so well I decided to continue on the front. I was very hot and was just Teeing off on hole 6 when I saw Evelyn come driving up in a cart to take me home. I talked her into letting me finish the hole, but she would let me go no farther. She took me home to have lunch. She had prepared it after walking around the lake. After eating, I took a shower and collapsed on the bed. She was right in coming to get me. I had not eaten breakfast and was very hot. I slept most of the afternoon, drifting in and out of a television program. Evelyn lay down for a while too but couldn’t sleep. We ate a very light supper and went to choir practice. Evelyn walked with the ladies but not until 9 because it was still too hot. It is forcast to be even hotter tomorrow. I am scheduled to play golf while Evelyn leads her Bible study. I will try to make it around again.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Plans for Sunday

We walked in a cooler morning although it was very humid. The fog covered the lake all the way around. We enjoyed the walk but came home in time to water the plants. Evelyn made apricot preserves with the last of our picked apricots. I worked on the computer and then we showered for the day. I answered many emails and searched for recipes for enchiladas to make for our spiral this Sunday. When I went to show them to Evelyn, she was asleep. I followed shortly. I also went through the Sunday paper for some coupons until it was time to go to the Tuesday Bible study. We were in charge of the set up tonight, so we were very early. We finished our work when the others arrived. We ate the potluck offerings and then studied more “I AM” statements by Jesus in the Gospel of John. When we finished, we went down the road to visit a woman who used to teach dancing. She has pneumonia and didn’t want long visits, so we just dropped off a couple of magazines and left. Evelyn then walked around the loop with Doris and Diane. I watched some more of “The Matrix Reloaded” but didn’t understand it without Noah here to narrate. We then watched a couple of shows I like before going to bed. We must get gas first thing in the morning. I was also surprised that we got no mail today. That is very unusual. Evelyn called the Beelis in the evening.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Life after Folkmoot

We slept a bit late but still walked and were home by 10. We went to see the doctor because he had called last week and wanted to schedule me for physical therapy. I thought he wanted to see me. I asked the nurse about my cholesterol and we decided that I would resume taking Prevastatin since I don’t think it was causing my leg aches. I watered the plants, changed the Brita filter, and went to the computer to check the emails. My calendar reminded me that we were expected at the Open Door. I would have never remembered had I not looked in the computer. I interrupted Evelyn in her work with the peaches and off we went to Frog level. We were just a bit late but still served. There was quite a crowd and it was warm. We had been walking at the lake and only Evelyn had showered. Therefore I was pretty ripe, but no one noticed. They aren’t all that clean themselves. We left at 1, returned some books to the library and stopped at the GO Grocery Outlet for some pizza for tomorrow night. Of course we bought more than we needed. We came home and I showered. We also washed the bedding and put it back on the bed. Evelyn lay down for a while, and I made arrangements to host our spiral next Sunday so we can go to Ohio on August 20. The kids are scheduled to be in a play. I helped Evelyn get on line to see some of the things we can do as shoe excursions on our cruise in September. She didn’t get to see much because of the slowness of our connection. I made popcorn for supper and then settled in to watch our Monday programs.

Happy August!

To continue with yesterday’s blog, we left the Circadian Circle in which the performers all carry candles and stand around the auditorium and went to the car. We looked for Jo but couldn’t find her until she called on the phone. She met us at our house where she could leave her car and lock the $3500 in gate receipts in our house. We drove to the Folkmoot Center for the highly touted “Late Nighter”. We saw Don and Betty Perry and others there enjoying the tacos that were served the performers and volunteers that want to attend. One of these is held each night after the performances. One of the countries is in charge of preparing the meal and the entertainment. We had never attended one before. This night, since it was the last for the season, was hosted by the drivers of the busses that take the performers from the center to the performance site. The custom is to spoof each group by imitating their dances. It was funny but disappointing in that many of the performers were busy packing and did not stay for anything but the buffet meal. We did enjoy it but will try to make it to a regular one if the Lord lets us volunteer in 2011. We weren’t home until after 12:30 and not in bed until 1.

Sunday, August 01, 2010


We were up and practicing our music and my reading by 7:15. Evelyn went to Bible class while I continued to practice my reading. I looked on the back of the bulletin where the scriptures are printed and was shocked to find a different selection than I had been practicing. I began to practice the new one but found the pastor who said the one I had practiced was correct. I read well, I thought, and tried to explain what the reading was about so people could concentrate on it. No one else who reads does that, but some told me they appreciated it. We sang It is well with my soul, one of the most touching hymns I know. I can hardly get through it because it contains one verse that is the Gospel. I do think we did a good job. We had tried to invite several couples for lunch but couldn’t until after church. Brent and Susan Ramsey came. He was an English major too but spent his career in the Navy. We had smoked chicken breasts. They stayed until around 3 and then we took a nap until 5 and got up to dress for our final moment of volunteering for this year’s Folkmoot. We took tickets this time instead of ushering. I posted many pictures because I had access to Wifi during the performances. We had seen the dancers many times although some were different. We went to the final late nighter and will tell more about it tomorrow.



More Portugal






Folkmoot 2010

Ireland,Portugal, Poland, and Peru were the remaining groups.

Folkmoot 2010

Russia, France, Latvia, Jordan were just 4 of the groups.