Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Time with our granddaughter, Olivia.

Friday was a day off from Folkmoot.  We worked at the Open Door because the Friday Bible study had been cancelled.  The Open Door has an old wooden floor, and it was to be refinished today.  Everything had to be moved out of the dining area and most of the items from the kitchen.  We helped with that a while before coming home.  It was very warm and we headed for the AC.  We had slept a bit late this morning because of going to the late nighter but needed a nap anyway.  We continued to rest during the evening.

Gary had asked me to play golf with him and a friend, Jimmy.  We met him at Iron Tree and played until after noon.  It was cool to start but warmed up before we finished.  Those 2 guys can hit the ball a ton, but I still beat them because they had more trouble in the short game than I did.  I thought Stacy and Olivia would be waiting for me when I arrived, but they were still on the way.  I showered but didn’t eat until they arrived.  We had a large lunch together before going to usher at Haywood again.  Olivia was in good spirits having come from a Christian camp.  She had resented having to go at first but had come to enjoy it.  We all enjoyed the performances before the intermission but left after that because our visitors were quite tired.  We visited a bit before retiring.  Stacy always kids us about how much time we devote to Folkmoot, but she enjoyed the show.

Stacy left for Roswell before we left for church.  Olivia went with us to Bible study.  She has been very compliant.  I believe she was still feeling the Lord’s Spirit from her camp experience.  Our choir sang and sounded quite good.  I think I hit all the notes!  That is important because I am the only tenor.  We were blessed by Holy Communion and then left for Asheville.  I had made reservations at the Corner Kitchen for 1:00.  I had purchased a Groupon but didn’t use it.  We were entitled to 1 $12 appetizer and 2 $27 entrees.  There was nothing on the brunch menu that came close to that money.  I just paid for our meals as normal.  We returned home to rest up for tonight’s late nighter.  We went to Lake Junaluska for the candle light closing.  Olivia helped take tickets and then watched most of the final performances and the candlelight closing.  We went with Jo to the late nighter that featured a spoofing of the styles of the countries.  Olivia didn’t feel good and laid her head on the tables for most of the show.  We were home by 1.  The thrill of the entire week happened tonight as I wandered around during the intermission.  I came upon the entire New Zealand group before their performance.  They were lined up singing Amazing Grace in a different style followed by a group prayer for strength and skills as they performed.  It was quite inspiring to hear these testimonies to the power of Christ.

Evelyn and Olivia had planned to go tubing today, but Olivia was tired and Evelyn had not slept until 4.  I called the rec center and cancelled their spot on the trip.  I was up and off to the golf course with Marty.  We had a good time although not very successful.  It was very pleasant until the final 2 holes when it heated up.  We were home around noon and found Olivia still asleep.  Evelyn was up and working on her Bible study.  We asked her to help us with the washing of our windows, and she was very willing.  She is a sweetheart when she wants to be.  It was hot but we finished all the windows even though it thundered some and threatened to rain all afternoon.  It finally did during the evening and again in the early Tuesday morning.  We learned we had 3 inches.

Tuesday it rained until 10.  Olivia and I went to waffle house for breakfast.  I had begun to make them at home, but the power kept going on and off.  I couldn’t cook on an electric stove without electricity.  We couldn’t eat all they served and went on the the Urgent Care to learn that I didn’t need to smear my arm with vitamin E oil more than once each day.  Thank God.  We took items to the recycle center and then drove to Asheville to play miniature golf at the Fun Depot.  It was indoors.  We were not hungry at lunch time so we just returned to the car.  We drove toward Clyde getting fuel and an Arby’s milk shake on the way.  Evelyn met us at the doctor’s office.  We were checked out and had blood work done.  Mine was to check my kidneys and hers for cholesterol check.  We came home and ordered a Papa John’s pizza for supper.  We enjoyed Doris to eat with us.  Olivia seemed to enjoy the day despite the downtime in the afternoon.  While driving to Asheville, I was blessed to hear all about her week at camp.  She had a great time.

Friday, July 27, 2012

A great sports week

We have been busy again this week.  I dropped Evelyn at the rec center and went to the Urgent Care.  They were very impressed with my burn’s healing and gave me permission to return to playing golf.  I just have to keep the wound moist with some vitamin E cream and covered with a Gauze sleeve.  I am still pain free.  It was too hot to play golf, so we just returned home to clean the car because we were driving to the Tourists game tomorrow with Dwain and Pat Perry.

Tuesday we went to Silver Sneakers and then to Clyde to have Evelyn’s hair trimmed.  The woman who cut it is a local crazy lady.  We have a good time joking but probably won’t go back.  She doesn’t cut it likes she wants.  We had lunch and then rested because we knew we would be up late.  We left with Pat and Dwain about 4:30 and drove to 2 Guys Olde Style Hoagies to meet Dallas and Karen.  We had a good conversation and hoagies before leaving for the ball game.  The Tourists fell behind 3-0 in the first 2 innings but began to hit and couldn’t stop.  They finally amassed 22 hits and 16 runs.  We had a very good time with both couples.  We won’t see either much for the rest of the summer because they are both going on long trips.  We were home late as we thought we would be.

Wednesday we slept late. Evelyn exercised but I went to town to do light shopping.   We went to choir practice in the evening and then relaxed the rest of the evening.  Our friend, Jo, told me I should sleep with the cream on my burn, so I had to wear a sock to keep it from smearing onto the sheets.

Thursday I went with the neighbors to exercise my permission to play golf.  I just continued to wear the sock because the wrap I was given would let the sun into the burn areas.  The skin is all dermis and will burn easily causing pain.  I haven’t had any yet and want to continue the situation.  I didn’t play much differently with the sock on but did score higher than usual.  We always go early, but it was very hot when we finished.  The heat, even in the mountains, is quite debilitating.  Gary invited me to play with him and friend Jimmy on Saturday.  I think we can finish before Stacy and Olivia arrive.  I showered and then took a nap in the afternoon.  We dressed and went to Haywood Community College to usher for Folkmoot.  There were 5 groups of the 9 performing and each did 2 shows.  It was 10:30 when the 2nd acts was finished.  We hooked up with Jo to go to the late nighter.  The group from Philippines were the hosts and did a fine job.  They played dance music that the youngsters from various groups loved and led games that were fun for them.  We had a light lunch but were disappointed that no Filipino food was featured.  We plan to take Stacy and Olivia to the one Saturday night.  Olivia can then help us with the clean up. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

The gauze wrapping phase is over

Folkmoot Gala 020

Folkmoot Gala 021

Believe it or not, this is healing nicely.  The nurses are gaga over how good it looks.  It doesn’t have to be wrapped anymore. and I can play golf again!  God has been merciful throughout this ordeal.

Folkmoot Gala 022

Folkmoot Gala 023

The hand treated with vitamin E cream.  After 11 days of treatment, I am still praising our Lord Jesus.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Good friends for dinner

We went to Bible study and worship on Sunday morning.  We had Holy Communion again.  This month and June had many Sunday celebrating some of the minor saints of the New Testament.  This morning was to celebrate Mary Magdalene.  When these celebrations occur on Sunday, our pastor offers Holy Communion.  We left a bit early and came home because tom and Melanie were due at 1 or before.  We finished the preparations and waited until almost 1:30 before they came.  We really like them because he plays golf, and she teaches home economics.  We met them at square dance lessons last year.  They came for dinner and really enjoyed it.  We served boudin as an appetizer and crawfish etouffee as an entrée.  It was quite good and they really enjoyed it.  Evelyn had also made lemon meringue pie for dessert.  She had to leave to go work at the Folkmoot performance of the afternoon.  We had extra tickets and had given them to Tom and Melanie.  They really enjoyed the first half of the performance but had to leave at intermission because they were on their way to Greensboro to visit their daughter.  From there they are going on to the shore as a last vacation before she returns to her teaching position at a high school.  We left then too and came home.  Evelyn went to bed for a nap while I watched the last part of the British Open.  I made popcorn and we watched a movie in the early evening.  I am disappointed that the doctors have said I should not play golf tomorrow.  It will be too hot in the afternoon, but I am concerned that I shouldn’t play before going for my redressing tomorrow.  It will be too hot in the afternoon and Marty can’t take the heat in the afternoon—if I am given permission to play.  I will probably not play until at least Thursday regardless.

Downtown Waynesville

Saturday took us to the Urgent Care for my burn wound to be redressed.  We were only 2nd in line and had a good report.  The nurse practitioners were very encouraging about how well the wound is healing.  We went on to the Huddle House for brunch since I had a BOGO for any breakfast item.  We couldn’t eat all of our omelets and took them home.  We went downtown to see the closed street party featuring the Folkmoot dancers.  We didn’t stay too long because of the heat but did buy 2 metal sculptures to hang on our living room wall.  We did see a couple of performances.  It is fun to walk around the main street of Waynesville when it is full of artisans.  We came home and just relaxed while I watched the Cubs/Cardinals game.  We also made preparations for tomorrow’s guests by setting the table and finishing the etouffee. 

A very busy day of fun and service

Friday was our day at the Open Door, but I had forgotten that we had been attending the noon Bible study at church.  So I had Evelyn take me downtown, leave me, and return to church.  We had a big crowd and they were hungry.  It seems that many of the same people come—probably everyday.  They might even come for breakfast as well.  I have made friends with a man who comes everyday and eats very slowly.  I have to jack him up so he doesn’t stay until 2.  He drives a nice car (as do many of the patrons) but doesn’t work anywhere. He and many others have cell phones but can’t seem to afford to buy food.  I should not complain even in my mind.  There, but for the Grace of God, go I.  Evelyn came at 2, as I had requested, but I was finished cleaning up by 1:15.  I had to loiter in front of the building for 45 minutes.  I thought some policeman might run me in for loitering.  There have been many fights and other rowdiness in the past, causing the surrounding businesses and others to complain to the law.  Things have been more amenable recently but fierce protests have been made in past years.  We came home and rested in the afternoon.  We then went to the Folkmoot parade.  At the beginning of Folkmoot, the countries have a parade in downtown Waynesville to stir interest.  It was a pleasant day but rain was forecast.  As a blessing it held off until after the parade.  People line the street and sit in their lawn chairs.  We always try to find a place on the shady side of the street.  We came home to rest until time to go to the monthly ballroom dance.  We arrived early to find that the children in Angie’s dance troupe had overrun their time.  We helped set up our dance tables and chairs.  We had a 3 piece band for the first time in quite a while.  Another unusual event was the attendance of the local 4-H club.  They were of various ages and had been taught ballroom dancing by one of the dance club members who live in Clyde.  The kids were very good mechanically but will develop some style and smoothness over the years.  It is good to see some young people learn to dance in the big band style.  We sat with Dallas and Karen and made plans to meet them for dinner and a base ball game next Tuesday.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dancers from around the world

Thursday was the day that the Folkmoot dancers performed their first dances.  We drove to Maggie Valley where the Gala was held at the Stompin’ Ground.  On the way we stopped at the Maggie Valley Inn because one of the local musicians was releasing a new CD and was giving one away to each person in attendance.  He played for some of our ballroom dances alone but had his entire band with him then.  We enjoyed the Folkmoot Gala.  There are 9 countries represented at this year’s festival and were all very good.  After the performances at the Gala, there is a party at which we get to mingle with the dancers.  Some of them speak English but not all.  We talked with 2 girls from New Zealand most of the time.  We returned home in the rain.  We have had a great summer for moisture.  We pray for other parts of the country that are suffering major drought.  We will all suffer from the lack of farm products later in the winter.

I forgot to mention that I had my burn injury redressed  this morning.  They were all impressed with how well it was healing marvelously.  I thank God for moving me to apply the aloe juice immediately after the water/coal explosion.  I may be able to return to playing golf after visiting the urgent care again Saturday.

Computer check

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A new phone plan

Tuesday I took Evelyn to exercise and just sat in the lobby and worked on the computer.  We then went to the Verizon to change our service and have our phone set up.  The address book was moved from the old phone to the new one.  We also needed some instruction on how to do some things like retrieve voicemail.  We retuned home and ate a nice salad Evelyn had made and the meat ball pie she had made earlier.  We just relaxed during the afternoon. 

Wednesday Evelyn went to exercise while I stayed home and cleaned up the mess from the exploding Brinkman Smoker.  I was careful to keep my arm dry as the doctor  suggested.  I wrapped a small garbage bag around my arm when I took a shower  and wore a plastic glove while I sprayed down the carport and smoker.  We dressed for our service at the hospital in the afternoon.  We didn’t have many patients, so I went to the Folkmoot Center to make arrangements for Olivia to work in the cafeteria next week when she comes to spend a few days.  I couldn’t stay long because the main building is not air conditioned.  I was starting to sweat and that is bad for my burn because it can promote bacteria growth.  I returned to the hospital to get Evelyn.  It had rained a little so I had to open the umbrella to protect my arm.  We had the last of the meatball pie before going to choir practice.  Then I watched the Cubs for a while.

Monday, July 16, 2012

More burn blessings

We decided to redress my wound as was suggested.  I showered to remove the previous ointment and then Evelyn wrapped the arm with the supplies we had bought yesterday.  We went on to worship this morning, and I read the scripture.  I didn’t do very well, in my opinion.  I did, however, stepped on the Pastor’s toes because I explained some of the history of the Old Testament.  He had planned to say much of the same things in the sermon.  After the blessing of Holy Communion, we drove to Asheville for Sunday Brunch.  We enjoyed it and returned a gift card from Frankie Bones that had been mailed to Texas.  We drove through Asheville in a heavy rain but it stopped before we got to Canton.  We took a short nap before going to the monthly band concert.  Instead of coming home for popcorn, we went with the people from our church to an Italian restaurant and shared a Calzone.

Monday I went back to the Urgent Care to have my arm redressed.  I was really apprehensive about the treatment because de breing burn wounds is often painful.  Mine wasn’t.  The doctor had to cut the dead skin away but without much pain.  A nurse put some pads of Silverdine instead of the ointment and said to leave it on for 3 days.  That is good because Evelyn won’t have to dress it.  I was surprised that the doctor was very concerned about my keeping the dressing dry.  She said water increased the chances of infection.  She won’t even let me play golf because I might sweat too much.  I had left Evelyn at the rec center and returned for her.  We then visited the local newspaper and a weekly publication of mountain activities to place an announcement about our church garage sale in August.  I also tried to get an announcement broadcast on the radio station I listen to.  I don’t know whether it was successful or not.  We came home for lunch and rested during the afternoon.  Getting old wears us out. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

More burn notice

More burn notice 001

More burn notice 002

Lower arm before wrapping treatment at home.  These are 2nd degree burns 60 hours after the event.

More burn notice 003

Treated with Silver Sulfadiazine before wrapping treatment at home.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Burn Notice

At 5 AM I felt my large blister break.  I tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t.  Evelyn followed shortly, and we dressed to go to the Urgent Care.  We were the first to arrive and were being treated by 8:15.  I was diagnosed with 2nd degree burns and was treated with an application of Silver Sulfadiazine on most of my right forearm.  We were given some to apply tomorrow and were asked to return Monday morning for another treatment.  I believe they will cut some of the old skin away to prevent infection.  It was raining and continued all morning, but we went to Waffle House for a BOGO waffle.  We came home and Evelyn ironed while I slept.  After lunch I worked on the compute and watched the Cubs while she slept.  It had stopped raining and had become a nice day, so I suggested we walk around Lake Junaluska.  It was not very hot and there was a breeze much of the way.  We came home and invited Doris to come for some of the cupcakes Evelyn had made.  She came binging an appreciation card.  She is a very good friend and appreciates us as we do her.  The ladies walked around our loop a few times and then came in for the evening.  Burn notice 001

Here is the wrapped burned arm.  One of my favorite TV shows is called Burn Notice.  Would you have noticed my burn without this bandage?  The answer is yes.  I may get another picture in the morning without the bandage—if I remember.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Alarming the neighbors

Evelyn wanted to go to exercise, so we did.  I didn’t attend the class but did walk on the indoor track.  It was raining enough that the soccer school was moved into the gym.  We then went to the bank to deposit our 2 rebate cards from Verizon.  They wouldn’t do it, so we will have to spend them at stores.  Evelyn dropped me at the Open Door because she wanted to go to the Bible study.  There were 78 served and I served as usual.  There was a woman who played the piano while I sang hymns with her.  I had told Evelyn to come at 2 but was waiting for her at 1:15.  I thought the police might come and run me off for loitering.  They didn’t and she picked me up and took me home.  She had eaten a sandwich at the study, and I had eaten at the soup kitchen.  Evelyn had trouble sleeping last night and went to sleep.  I dumped email and tried to make some advertisements for the garage sale at our church in August.  I was successful with only 1.  We had supper and then Evelyn walked with our neighbor, Diane.  Evelyn told her that my hand had several blisters from yesterday’s boiling water event.  Her husband was a medic in the Navy during WWII.  Our neighbor, Gary, who had cleaned the gutters yesterday came to check on my bodily condition from the fall.  They all want me to go to Urgent Care, so I will tomorrow.  I wanted to go to Canton for the Pickin’ in the park, but Evelyn didn’t want to go.  

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I have had better days but never more blessings

The morning began different.  The 2 neighbors and I had planned to play golf, but it was raining.  The predictions was for 70% of rain, but it never developed.  Evelyn went off to the LWML meeting with her desserts, and I stayed home to smoke the ribs I bought yesterday.  I got the smoker going and then worked on the email.  Around noon I went to the neighbor’s and borrowed an extension ladder to clean one of our downspouts.  Yesterday’s rain revealed that one was plugged.  I put the ladder up and went up to check the location of the leaves, etc.  I had put a rock under to slope side of the ladder, but, as I started down, the up side began to slide.  I went down with the ladder and was blessed to roll over and land on my back and left side.  I knocked the wind out of myself.  I had to wait a while and roll over to get up.  I said a prayer of thanksgiving for being spared any broken bones.  After a while, I went to Gary’s to ask him to come and unplug the downspout.  He did and so we did get to be together even though not on the golf course.  I went back to the smoker to collect the meat.  Some of the ribs had stuck to the grate, and, as I tried to release them from the grate, the pan of boiling water fell into the coals and splashed all over me.  There was charcoal dust blowing in the air, blinding me.  My lower right arm was burned rather badly, but I ran immediately to the aloe plant in back of our house.  I broke off a spine and rubbed it on my arm.  I was still covered with ash but was relieved by the juice.  After a while, I went in to take a shower.  The cold water was tolerable but the hot water was painful.  I continued applying the aloe and a package of frozen vegetables after Evelyn returned.  I think I will be more sore tomorrow than even today.  We did take a nap, and I thought I would hardly be able to move.  I was wrong then but do dread tomorrow.  That was another blessing from our Lord.  After supper, Jerry returned and finished the job of removing what turned out to be the nest of black hornets nesting in the peak of our roof. 

black hornets 001

This is a picture of the black hornet nest that was in the front peak of our house.  The man who brought it down said their sting would “knock you down.”  It was full of hornets and future hornets.  Ouch!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Attacking the wasps

We went to the Silver Sneakers on Tuesday.  It is a more aerobic session than the ones on MWF.  They are a bit harder but not as beneficial for us Geezers.  We went on to Waynesville so we could talk to Verizon about their cell phone service.  We were hosted by a nice young man, Trey Burns.  We explored some options and signed up for a better plan than we have with ATT.  We discussed a Smart Phone but decided we didn’t need the bells and whistles we would be paying for.  We returned home for lunch and then rested.  I talked with a young boy about spraying our wasp nest, but he couldn’t risk it because he is allergic to stings.  A young man who lives in one of the small homes near us came and volunteered to do it.  He did some in the afternoon but promised to come back a deep dusk and finish.  I didn’t hear him return but think he will sometime.  Evelyn worked on making a peach cobbler and some chutney.  We enjoyed it for dessert, but she was disappointed in the results.  She will try again for a meeting to be held on Thursday.  We watched some of the All Star baseball game but abandoned it.  It was lopsided when we went to the news.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Supporting a lonesome friend

Sunday was topped by Bible study and worship.  The pastor and family had been on vacation this past week but was back to replace the normal leaders who were on vacation in New Hampshire.  We were blessed as always.  Afterward we arranged to go to lunch with a woman whose lunch partner, another woman, was gone to Pennsylvania on vacation.  It seems everyone is gone this time of year.  We went to the Moonshine Grill because I had a coupon.  Unfortunately it was for a reduction in the price of a dinner.  Sunday featured only a buffet.  The manager did give us a reduction since we talked about going to a different restaurant.  The buffet featured barbecue and prime rib with other sides.  We were glad to be of some company to our friend.  We were home and in bed by 2:30.  During the late afternoon we worked on the peaches we had bought yesterday.  Evelyn made some peach drinks.  We had hoped that Gary and Linda would come to watch a movie with us, but they wouldn’t.  I invited Marty, but she wouldn’t come either.  We watched it alone.  The movie was The Greatest Game Ever Played about the 1916 US Open in which an amateur, Francis Olmeit, beat a great player from Britain.  We also had our usual popcorn and some of the delicious peach drink.  We listened to the weather predictions of coming rainstorms. 

Marty and I went early to play golf before it got too hot.  The course had some players when we got there.  It was somewhat foggy but not as bad as last week.  We could not see the green from the first Tee.  We didn’t play as well as we had last week.  Evelyn had gone to exercise and then to the Folkmoot center to help Jo set up her packages to be used for first aid in case of injury to the dancers.  They have a history of being injured in recreational activities.  Few are injured during the performances.  I beat her home and heated leftover pizza for our lunch.  I then showered and joined Evelyn for a nap.  Afterward we chopped tomatoes, cilantro, onions and peppers to make fresh Pico de Gallo.  We worked on that together.  The promised 70% thunderstorms never developed all day.  We stayed home during the evening to watch the final season of The Closer.  I have liked that show since it began 6 years ago.  I don’t know why these good shows go off air.  They are generally popular and seem to be making money for the sponsors.  It is likely that most of the actors enjoy steady work, so I wonder what happens. 

Frightening omission

Friday afternoon of last week had an event I neglected to include.  I was on the deck when I heard a man call for help.  I didn’t know who but ran to get my Crocs and continued to the area.  I saw a neighbor doing a split  over the top of his riding mower.  He had lost brakes and control in his back yard which was 3-400 yards up the mountain.  He had rode the mower down the hill picking up speed all the way.  He was probably doing 30+ MPH and had to decide whether to go right up a small hill into a yard or follow the road to the highway.  He chose the yard.  The hill  caused him to slide off the seat into the above described position.  He could not free himself so I and another neighbor woman had to do the job.  I had to lift his large frame off the mower but was able to just roll him over onto his back.  I thank the Lord that I had been outside because I would never have heard him.  The next day I was going to drive up the mountain to check on him but saw him walking with only a mild limp.  I haven’t seen him since but expect that he was hurting more 2 days after the event.  I told him he would not have to go to Dollywood this summer because he had already done his time on a roller coaster.

Our first Shindig of the season

We did some watering of our plants Saturday morning and then cleaned the floors in the house.  We also picked chicken off the bone for our chicken salad.  We had bought a roasted chicken at the grocery and added grapes, celery and a dressing to it.  It was very good.   We had to plan our trip to the Shindig on the Green.  I had thought that perhaps Gene and Mildred Ford would go with us, but in reality I knew they wouldn’t.  We rested up and then left for Ianucci’s  Italian and Restaurant for our supper.  We shared a pizza at the restaurant and then took the remaining half with us.  I stopped on our way downtown to give an additional tip to a waitress that had helped us a week ago.  We continued to a shoe store that closed just as Evelyn got there.  In fact the manager was holding the door closed as she tried to enter.  We drove on to the Shindig.  We got some seats in the shade because we were an hour early.  I had got the time wrong from the Internet.  We had our lawn chairs and some drinks for the concert.  I had a can of beer that I learned was illegal to be drunk on the site.  I carefully drank it anyway because that was all I had.  We heard some very good Bluegrass music and saw some good cloggers.  The temperature was much more pleasant than we had expected, so we had a good time. We stopped for a Blizzard on our way home.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Cleaning the house—outside, that is.

Thursday was play day for me.  Evelyn led her Bible study, so Marty, Gary and I went to play golf.  I thought we would play 9, but they opted for 18.  We all played fairly well.  I know my improvement (92) was because I was relaxed.  Of course, I rimmed the cup on 2 putts but that is usual.  I was home before Evelyn.  We all enjoyed beating the major heat of the day.  I heated lunch for Evelyn and me before taking a shower.  We took a nap to rest.  I am really getting old and can’t take the heat as I used to.  Evelyn needs to rest every day no matter what she does.  I decided to go to the hospital to get a copy of the results of my CT scan and was blessed to see that nothing had changed concerning the spot on my right lung.  I wanted to see for myself because I don’t know when the doctor would have let me know.  We have appointments July 31.  When Evelyn developed hyperthyroidism a few years ago, he didn’t call us for at least 2 months after her bloodwork.  I didn’t want to wait that long.  We offered thanks to our gracious Lord and watched the Cubs play in Atlanta during the evening.  The nice thing about the weather here is that, despite being in the throes of a heat wave like the rest of the country, we have relatively cool nights in the 60s.  We can sleep well without the AC in those temperatures.

Friday was a work day.  I borrowed the pressure washer from our neighbor and cleaned the north and east sides of our house.  We have a porch, a carport, and a deck.  Everything has to be moved from those areas to complete the cleaning.  While the siding is still wet from the washer, the walls need to be brushed to help loosen the fly specks and other dirt.  Needless to say we get pretty wet from the dripping of the water.  This is not terrible because it is somewhat refreshing in the heat.  We finished the projects shortly after lunch time.  We showered inside the house this time and used warm water and soap.  That was different from the outdoor shower.  We dressed and went off to usher at the local civic theater.  We had talked about how we didn’t want anything to do with the play, Le Cage de Folles, because it is about 2 Sodomites who own a night club.  We even thought it bad that we had volunteered to usher.  But as the beginning neared, Evelyn really wanted to stay for the play.  I didn’t think it was right so we left.  We went downtown to the street dance.  We were a bit late but saw a mountain armature group, some cloggers, a mountain band, and danced a large square dance and a waltz.  It was quite warm but not oppressive.  We stopped for an Arby’s small milk shake (it had been given to us at the Tourists game) and some grapes to use in our chicken salad.  We were home around 9:45, past our bedtime.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

The Declaration

In order to keep the proper emphasis for the day, I read most of the Declaration Of Independence.  Most of the people were very respectful and, I hope, moved.   I certainly was.  It is difficult to be unemotional when I think of how precious the freedom God grants us.  It is equally sad to see how we have discounted Him in our lives, and equally sad to see how we have turned our country over to leaders who have no understanding of the freedoms we have been granted.  I am not just talking about the current administration nor just the Democrats.  The Republicans aren’t much better in honoring God, the Giver of all our freedoms.  I really pray that our country is saved in the next election.  God bless America.

Independence is a gift from God

Tuesday was when I had to undergo a CT scan.  I took Evelyn to exercise, and then I went to the hospital.  I had to register, have a blood test for Creatin, and have the scan.  During the first stop, a well meaning tech could not hit the vein in my hand.  I have never had that happen since starting the practice of always using the very prominent vein in my right hand.  I was told to use it by a phlebotomist years ago.  Another girl came in and hit it immediately.  I proceeded to the Radiology department where I was taken to a room where a young man stabbed me in the right arm and stuffed me into a big tube.  Of course this was not as brutal as I just made it sound.  That is the procedure for the CT scan.  About a year and a half ago, an Xray showed something on my right lung, causing the radiologist to recommend the scan.  I had one this past summer and was told to have another during the winter.  The doctor in Texas advised against that citing an overdose of radiation.  I waited until this summer to have the recommended follow up.  I will try to learn the results Thursday.  I returned to get Evelyn, and we returned a book to the library before returning my second can of wasp spray to Lowe’s.  The second like the first only put out a spray, not a stream of poison.  I can’t reach the wasp’s nest with anything less than a stream.  I used this method to kill wasps in Indiana more than 25 years ago, yet this new and improved model failed to work.  I got a different product, brought it home, tried it with the same result.  I think we will have to consult an exterminator.  We watched the Cubs/Braves baseball game.

Wednesday is the big day.  We went to exercise and then to downtown Waynesville for a children’s parade.  I wanted to go to the parade at Lake Junaluska so we did.  It was a big disappointment because it was very short.  When we used to participate, it was 20 minutes or more long.  This one was 10 minutes or less.  We left there and went to Bo Jangles for a chicken lunch before returning home to finish preparations for the cook out in the afternoon.  Gary cooked the hamburgers and chicken while everyone else brought some side dishes.  We took potato salad, some cheese/Rotel, relish plate, and strawberry pie.  Yes the other people did bring some things too.  Susan Hartzel, the neighbor behind us, brought her daughter visiting from Charlotte too.  We visited for a couple of hours and then left for home.  We had many things to bring home and took 4 trips.  Neither of us felt like going out to see the fireworks and skipped them.  I made plans to play golf tomorrow while Evelyn leads the Thursday Bible study.

Monday, July 02, 2012

The big after heat storm

Saturday, after sleeping late, we went to the Farmer’s market to seek the name of the plant we had bought last week. We met some friends and talked with them despite the 90+ heat.  I thought we might go out to for lunch or brunch but came back home instead.  After lunch, Gary and Linda came down to finalize plans for the Independence Day barbecue for our neighborhood.  I had to check with some of the neighbors outside our immediate group in Cypress Meadows.  There was no square dance, so we stayed in the cool while watching movies. 

We were off to Bible study and worship earlier than usual Sunday.  We were responsible for providing some goodies for fellowship after the worship.  Evelyn had invited the same people for dinner that we had gone with last Sunday.  I wanted to invite someone different, but things worked out well.  I didn’t think we would have much to talk about but was satisfied when they left.  I watched the Cubs play baseball during the afternoon.  We had our usual popcorn for supper.  Evelyn walked around our loop with 2 neighbor ladies several evenings each week.  There were several thunderstorm warnings for the area.  We had a small amount of rain in the evening but had a big storm most of the night.  Each time I got up to go to the bathroom, I saw bright lightning and heard loud thunder.  This was accompanied by rain: the kind of rain that is good for the plants.

Monday morning revealed that we had experienced strong straight line winds.  Our tomato plants were laid over.  Gary, Marty and I set them up before going to play golf.  It had cooled down overnight, so we had comfortable playing conditions.  I barely broke 100.  We were scheduled to work at the Open Door today.  Evelyn went after exercise and Gary took me there after we returned home from golf.  There were many people eating at the soup kitchen, so we had much clean up to do.  We stopped at the grocery to get what we hope will be all that we need for the Wednesday party.  I went back to Lowes on the way home to exchange a can of wasp spray.  It wouldn’t spray the steady stream as was supposed to happen.  I leaned later in the evening that it didn’t work properly either.  We watched most of the Cubs/Braves game and curled  up in the cool.  We prayed for all those who are suffering without electricity from yesterday’s storms.  It is also heart rendering to witness people who have lost their homes in the annual wild fires in the West.  It is difficult to trust God during these times, but we know He is sad about what happens just as we are.