Monday, June 13, 2011

Back on the air

I have been having trouble with posting new items. A friend introduced me to a shortcut that worked fine the first time. After that, whenever I published, the new entry merely replaced the old one. My old way never gave me that problem, so, to prevent withdrawl pains from all my reader [sic], I am going back to the old way.
Since my last permanent posting, we have had visitors from Wisconsin (we met them in Texas), gone to Frankie Bones again, toured Grove Park Inn, went to a Tourists baseball game, attended a square dance, attended a leadership conference on The Truth Project, exercised some mornings, and had a trip with the rec center cancelled for the second time. But on to today.
We went to the exercise class this morning and worked out. Afterward, while Evelyn walked on the indoor track, I signed us for a tour of Bush Bean factory nearby and a baseball game. I had to pay for these but we had some money left in the kitty from the aforementioned cancellations, and I used it to sign up for a trip on August 10. We have to be careful about which trips we agree to because we have several commitments on scheduled days each month. I hope these all clear. We went to the grocery for some beef and sausage to use in making a meat loaf for tomorrow’s potluck/Bible study. We brought it and other things home and began making it. I do a lot of chopping and chopped some onion and bell pepper. Evelyn added some spices, and I mixed them together. I tried a wooden spoon but finally had to remove my wedding ring and mix things with my hands. It worked much better. I molded 2 large loaves and put them into an aluminum pan for baking. As it baked, we continued chopping veggies for our salsa mix. We had some good things in the pan and thought it was very good. I then got on the Internet and was blessed that my air card was working well. I was able to get onto the Truth Project website and downloaded items useful in the first 4 sessions. I will have Megan copy the pages and have them ready for distribution tomorrow evening. We rested in the afternoon and then Doris brought us a strawberry pie. We had considered inviting her and her son Randy for supper, so we did. She insisted on bringing something , so we compromised on potatoes. We had dinner at 6. Her son is an alcoholic, so I couldn’t have any beer with our steak. We had found 2 out of date steaks this morning and grilled them for our supper. They were big enough that we cut them in half, still making a very filling meal.