Monday, December 31, 2012

Blessings from God.

Saturday morning we went out for breakfast at a local  Mexican restaurant called El Dorado.  The service was quite slow but the food was pretty good.  The interior was decorated attractively.  We went to purchase more items for our New Years Day party.  Saturday evening we entertained a couple who spent 4 years in Saudi Arabia.  He was in the service but not all of the time he was there.  He worked with a private company.  His wife was with him all of the time.  They had some interesting stories especially about women in the country.  Women are considered little more than chattel.  They are Andy and Brenda Baldwin, and she recently resigned as an activity director in our park.  She had trouble working with the other lady who was her partner.  We just had popcorn and soft drinks while playing Sequence.

Sunday was a better sermon than last week.  We had 35 in attendance and were blessed by the service.  This was the day that the Packers played the Vikings in the NFL.  We have many attenders who are from both places.  Two of our leaders have an ongoing friendly feud.  They dressed in their team outfits.  We came home after worship and worked on food prep for Tuesday.  I did a great deal of chopping.  Our neighbor, Lloyd, is a good creative cook and brought us some cheeseburger soup.  It was really delicious.  We are hoping to get his recipe.  We took a bike ride in the afternoon.  We love to get outdoors in this wonderful weather.  There was a slight wind but was not so strong as to make the ride difficult.  I met a pastor from Iowa who said he might be interested in replacing me at Trail’s End next season.  Of course this all depends on whether our Lord wants us to sell our house.  If we get our asking price, we will assume He is OK with our retirement.  The pastor, Wayne, did say that he would substitute for me if needed.  We entertained Don and Donna Reddel with more popcorn.  We discussed what we might do in our Bible study for people in the park.  We had a good time mulling things over with them but didn’t come to a final plan.  The best part of the day was that Olivia is making some progress in her treatment for learning behavior.  She is beginning to open up to the counselor and identifying some of her problems.  We praise God for His provision for her recovery.  We will know more when Stacy talks with her counselor next Wednesday.  Things look good enough that we will pay the down payment for her trip to the camp next summer.  We will continue praying.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Photos taken in mid December outside our trailer.

Winter 2012-13 002

Winter 2012-13 001

These are different pictures of the same plant outside our screen porch.  I decided to take 2 pictures since it is a double hibiscus!  Get it?!

Scenes from Christmas dinner

Winter 2012-13 006

Winter 2012-13 005

This our social hall where geezers are enjoying Christmas dinner.

Winter 2012-13 004

This our own table at the dinner.  We are enjoying the pre dinner happy hour.  The man in the orange shirt is Armand, my neighbor and golf partner.  We are equally disastrous on the course but enjoy eating.

Winter 2012-13 003

The woman in the red blouse is, Judy, our neighbor whose leg was amputated last spring.  We try to help he all we can and were happy she could join us for dinner.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas and beyond

Monday was the day we celebrate Christ’s birth.  For the first time in years, we did not attend a worship service on this day.  I had intended to go to Mexico to help Los Amigos to distribute gifts to the poor children.  I couldn’t go because I wouldn’t return until 1:30, missing our Christmas dinner at the hall.  We took our dishes to the hall for a happy hour at noon with dinner to follow at 1.  The hall was full, but our table was one of 2 that didn’t eat at 12.  We had 20 at out table, the largest we have been involved with.  The food was excellent, especially Evelyn’s cornbread casserole.  We came home for a nap before returning to the hall for “leftovers” at 5:30.  We had never done that before.  If fact we still have not because we couldn’t stay.  We had a plan to play dominoes with John and Sue at 6, so we left before anyone could decide to get up and begin eating.  We didn’t because we weren’t hungry.  We played at Hamel’s until 10 and had a good time. 

Tuesday was a day of work.  I had thought we should go shopping for some after Christmas items.  Evelyn didn’t want to go, so I spent the morning working on my message.  Armand came to see if we could play golf, so we went to the course at noon.  We played a poor round until about 2:30 and returned home.  It had been a beautiful day with little wind and a pleasant temperature.  I continued working until after supper.  I decided to go to the CVS to use a coupon that was about to expire.  I just got some small items but did get to return the Dr. Scholl’s foot pads that Evelyn didn’t seem to get any benefit from.  The drug store was kind enough to refund the price instead of making us mail it back to the company.  We went to bed early. 

Thursday I cut the grass on all 3 yards I mow in the winter and was finishing lunch when my brother, Stan, called me on the phone!  He had done nothing to communicate with me for more than a year until this past August when he sent pictures or his son, Rick, (who had concocted things in his mind about my trying to make a Christian out of him) and his daughter, Jamie, (who had marked me off her communication list right after I had sent her a letter for her ex and a check for her to help her financially) and their families.  I guess the families don’t like some things I have done.  We tanked for a bit and tried to SKYPE on our computers.  We couldn’t get it to work properly.  I did learn that he had developed lung cancer and had undergone some sort of lung surgery.  I couldn’t understand much of what he said.  We gave up SKYPING and took some things to be recycled.  We then went to look for glasses for Evelyn.  A local establishment is having a 2 for 1 sale on eyeglasses but won’t sell her any without a new eye exam.  She will get it tomorrow.  We came home and I barbecued steaks for us and the Froments.  We had a great meal (the best steaks I have ever cooked).  Afterward, Marilyn  worked on trying to get my printer to scan.  She failed but sent me an email with the information that she had scanned on her printer.  I forwarded it to Rosalie.  We really appreciate all the electronic help we have received from our Canadian neighbors. 

Friday began with a performance with the kitchen band at Valley Grande Manor.  There must have been 50 or more residents of the nursing home there.  They seemed to really enjoy the songs and goofing around.  There were 2 people in the home that we know.  We always finish our performances by going around and greeting the audience.  I always try to remind them that Jesus loves them or Christo de Ama in Spanish.  We came home for lunch, and then Evelyn drove me to the hospital.  She left me and I worked with our crew for the afternoon.  I enjoy the people.  Evelyn went to the grocery and her appointment with the optometrist.  She had to wait 2 hours to have the exam.  She has to return tomorrow to get the glasses.  We just stayed home and watched a movie after eating our pizza for supper.  It has been very temperate compared to the reported temperatures and weather conditions in the north.  We are praying for the people on our list and enjoying the Christmas season.  We have enjoyed the 4th day of Christmas.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Preparing for Christ’s birth

Monday was Christmas Eve.  We left to go exercise to find the gym was closed.  We went on to the grocery on Westgate and the other grocery downtown.  We needed things for tomorrow’s feast in our park.  I wanted to cut the grass but couldn’t because there were obstructions in the yards.  I had postponed my shower until the afternoon and took a nap.  We dressed and went to Immanuel at 6:30 when the men’s choir practiced our song for the worship service.  It went well, so the service began.  Bonny had assigned readers for the service and had chosen me as one of them.  The service was quite good.  The pastor was not too chipper, having just been released from the hospital.  He had suffered from kidney stones.  We came home and got some things to take to Joe and Bonny’s for our supper.  It was just shy of 9 when we got there.  She had made ham for us, some charro beans, and served tamales that he been made by her housemaid.  Everything was delicious including the eggnog we had to drink.  We stayed until around 10:30 and went home.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Bringing God’s love to others.

Friday was a bit different.  Evelyn decided to stay home from the hospital because her department was shut down.  While she was at home baking cookies, I went to work as usual.  I really enjoy working with the crew on Friday afternoon.  We have a great deal of fun just talking and joking.  I invited them to our New Year’s Day football party, but only 1 could make it.  We didn’t go out for dinner tonight because we had invited Armand, Rose and Judy for chili.  We want to involve Judy as much as possible because she is not only a widow but had her right leg amputated last spring.  She is quite tough but needs companionship.  Most of the park is very helpful to her, but we want to be better because she is a close neighbor.  The meal was delicious and we had a good time.

Saturday was a cooking day.  I had bought several round steaks a few days ago, and we needed to cook them.  Since that cut of meat is usually tough.  I had to employ one of the skills I remembered from my childhood.  I had to pound the steaks with the edge of a saucer like my mother used to do.  I sprinkled the meat with flour and pounded away.  It was easier than I had expected.  Evelyn topped it with vegetables and made it into Swiss steak.  Since we had 6 pieces, I was sent to find someone to invite for lunch.  The Lord had a plan for us.  I encountered a woman with whom we used to be close friends, so I invited her and her husband for lunch.  They don’t like us (probably me) and I don’t especially like them.  We did, however, have a nice visit; not like we used to have but nice.  They left in a couple of hours, and we rested.  In the evening we walked around the park and stopped to play 1 game of pool.  The evenings here have been fabulous.  There is a gentle breeze and warm temperatures.  They are one of the major reasons that people come here from Canada and much of the midwest to enjoy the winter.  We hear of a pretty devastating snowstorm hitting much of the area in which we used to live.  We might leave here if our place sells but will definitely find a place similar in temperature.

Sunday began with a terrible situation.  I have never done such a terrible job in leading worship.  I began by forgetting to wear my Jerusalem Cross.  The speaker system didn’t work right, and I didn’t put the sermon together well and couldn’t seem to find a way to correct things.  I couldn’t find the right place in the scripture, skipped the Gospel section by accident.  I thank God for making this a Communion Sunday.  At least the congregation was blessed in that way.  We came home and prepared for the evening of caroling.  Evelyn had not slept well last night, so she napped for a while.  We got to church in time for me to practice our song for Christmas Eve and then left to go caroling some shut ins from our church.  We have never had so many carolers in all the years we have been in the Valley.  We had 29.  We were able to go to 2 nursing homes where we were able to serenade the entire population in the homes that were eating.  We visited 4 other sites as well.  We then went to one of the wealthiest parishioners’ home for a party.  It was a good time and a good feeling bringing the love of the season to His children.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Singing and slipping

Tuesday we led our study of Radical Islam on the March and had 7 in attendance.  Even a couple who used to be close friends was there even though they have hardly spoken to us for 4 years.  They are Christians but don’t care for us.  I praise God that they are willing to learn about the threat of Islam and Sharia law.  I had planned to go practice our men’s song for Christmas Eve, but Bonny called and canceled the rehearsal.  I decided to go to Mexico since we had time free.  I had intended for us to get our teeth cleaned and have pedicures.  When we got there, I realized I had not brought enough money.  I let Evelyn get her teeth cleaned and went with her for pedicures.  We met a woman from our park there and she loaned me $20 so I could buy some Irish Crème.  There was a special—buy 2, get 1 free—so the money came in handy.  We also bought some natural sleeping aids for Evelyn.  We have made friends with one of the owner’s of a Farmacia, and he recommended the product.  It was now too late for my teeth cleaning, so we just went home. 

Wednesday Bonny got 3 of us together to practice our Christmas Eve song at 10.  We are beginning to sound like we are a musical group.  I returned home to learn that Evelyn had fallen on the front steps while washing them.  The street sweeping prior to the paving had left things quite dirty.  She had not broken any bones but was bruised in several places.  Naturally, she didn’t want to go anywhere to exacerbate her injuries after going to the advent service.  It was fine because I was able to prepare some more items to use in future worship services.  It is also time to begin practicing for Sunday’s message.

Thursday was another practice because one of the singers had just returned from a trip to Nebraska.  They got out of there just before an enormous snow storm had hit.  He really adds a great deal to our group.  I came home to take Evelyn to the hospital for a special lunch.  The woman who heads the Foundation at the hospital takes the volunteers and some others out to an elegant lunch.  She never lets anyone know where they will go.  I dropped her off and came home to work on sweeping and mopping our screen porch.  That took me much of the afternoon, but I was also able to begin practicing on next Sunday’s service.  Finally about 6 Evelyn called for me to come to bring her home from the doctor.  She had returned to the hospital at 3 and went to see if the doctor could give her relief in her knee.  She never bothered to call to let me know where she was despite sitting in the office for 3 hours.  He had taken X-rays and given her a cortisone shot in the knee.  We came home, ate a small bowl of chili, and went to the parade and concert at the city hall.  It was quite chilly so we snuggled into our lawn chairs.  John and Sue joined us for a while as we listened to the big band sounds.  When the pros took a break, the Weslaco jazz band played a set and were also pretty good.  The big surprise of the night was a pair of dance teachers performed the salsa dance and passed out advertisement cards to the crowd.  We are too old to dance the quick moving salsa.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Having a paved street

Monday we went to Silver Sneakers and had a good workout.  We left there and went to look at motor homes at the Texas Trader.  some friends have one for sale there.  We liked the floor plan, but Evelyn thinks it is too old—1993.  She may be right because it doesn’t have enough miles driven for me to be comfortable.  I had a $5 off coupon for a small Mexican restaurant, so we went there for lunch.  the food was good but greasy.  We came home so Evelyn could get her hair cut.  I had planned to work, but Armand wanted to play golf.  We sneaked off just before Evelyn returned.  I played very poorly.  When we returned, we saw that our street was being paved!  We thought they were already oiled and thought that was all they would do.  But I was wrong.  One lane was already poured.  This may make our property more attractive.  I can’t remember whether I mentioned that we have our home up for sale.  We have put out a “fleece” to see if the Lord is OK with my retiring from preaching.  If we get our very high price, we will sell.  If not we will return here next year.  We have had one couple look but not return.  We spent the rest of the evening home.

Worship and more fun

Saturday Armand and I went to play golf in McAllen with the group of Lutherans that play somewhere in the Valley each month.  We both played poorly, but I had one shining moment.  The game was best ball.  On the first drive of each hole the entire group tees off and then each plays from the spot of the best lie of the drives.  On hole 13, a par 3, I drove to the green.  The game allows one “throw” per person per round.  I threw from my spot on the green into the hole making a hole in one.  (The throw doesn’t count as a stroke!)  We all jumped and shouted with glee.  Evelyn had gone shopping with Sue but hadn’t bought anything.  I practiced my message after coming home.

We had a nice number at our worship and a better number at Llano Grande: 199.  I read a devotional at each service concerning the chil massacre and cried during both.  It is difficult to trust God during times like this.  We came home for lunch and then met John and Sue at the Tower theater for a play “Once Upon a Wolf” acted by children of various ages.  It featured stories in which the wolf was the bad guy and was killed, but the wolf wanted to change his ways and become good.  It was a cute play.  We then went to their house for bratwurst supper and dominoes.  They are obsessed with dominoes.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

That was the Week that was.

The previous weekend was busy.  We went to a high school production of Grease with John and Sue.  They loved it, but I thought it was OK.  We went out for dinner afterward.  Evelyn spent much of the day working with the LWML in making and delivering cookie boxes to shut ins at Immanuel.  Sunday we went to worship again and had another large crowd.  I am not sure the Lord wants us to leave here.  We will know if someone offers pay our price for our home.  During the night, I discovered that a short feeder hose to our major toilet in our home. 

Monday morning Armand and I went to Mercedes for the part and he repaired it for me.  We invite John and Sue to play dominoes at our home.  They are domino devotees and miss playing with their friend, Dick.  We had a good time with them. 

Tuesday we hosted another “Bible Issues” session but without company.  We watched a small part of Radical Islam on the March.  We are still convinced that Islam will control the earth if our Lord doesn’t return soon.  I was scheduled to help with the lunch at the craft sale but was not needed, so I came home.  We were blessed to SKYPE with Andrew and Emily but an hour later than we had planned.  We spent the evening at home.

Evelyn exercised in the morning while I cut the grass.  I also sprayed Roundup on the weeds that the mower can’t reach.  It was also the day that Glenn’s mother had surgery.  His brother had come back to be with her.  Around 11 Armand and I went to play golf.  The weather was very pleasant as it has been all week.  Evelyn had gone to Harlingen to attend a Christian Women’s luncheon.  She returned home too late for us to go to the afternoon Lenten service so we went to Immanuel in the evening. 

Thursday evening was the Gideon Christmas party.  It is a carry in dinner and Evelyn took a cabbage casserole that Betty Golden had given her in North Carolina.  Of course I mean the recipe.  It was delicious but few people tried it.  We had a wonderful dinner but no program.  For at least 3 years, the DVD player on their 55 inch TV was not working.  We did just have a nice visit.  I also made an arrangement to have a speaker come in February.  We had napped in the afternoon, so I was not too tired.  I stayed up until almost midnight making copies of the readings for the remainder of the year.  It is gratifying to have that much of the year planned ahead of time.

Friday is our afternoon at the hospital.  During the morning we went to visit John and Sue for a while and then went to have some chicken fingers for lunch.  We were slightly early for our shift but were not bored.  We had quite a bit of business for the 3 1/2 hours we worked before going to help with the children’s Christmas party.  I helped print the pictures of the families with Santa.  The highlight was meeting the son of the vice president of the hospital.  He was a very talented 9 year old who had been on the championship football team in Texas for his age group.  More importantly, he was one of the most pleasant young boys I have ever met.  It is another reminder that there were some young kids just like him that were killed in Connecticut today.  But even at that, Christ has blessed us with boys like Austin that I met today.  We won’t understand why things like this happen until we meet the Christ in His home—with many of those little kindergartners no longer with us.  But some like little Austin will be there too.  Will you?  I hope to see you.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

The rest of the week.

It rained 1/4 inch on Monday night.  God is good!  We decided to watch the remainder of October Baby at home since no one came to the Outback last week and there was no DVD player when I checked.  We did finish the movie but our copy lost pixel integrity in the 16th chapter.  That was almost exactly where we left off last week.  It is a very moving part but exceeded that when one of the actresses confessed after the ending that she had had a wonderful cleansing of guilt because she had undergone an abortion years ago.  I went to play golf with Armand  during the day and had a good round.  Evelyn baked many cookies during the afternoon.  We almost went to the welcome back party at Mercedes, but Evelyn was very tired.  We stayed home.  Our park has developed a tradition called “Decked and Jingled”.  Someone brings a bag of goodies to 3 homes and instructions to make 3 bags to pass on to others.  We tape a sign to our door, “This house has been decked and jingled” to prevent duplication.  We continued the tradition. 

Wednesday found us at Silver Sneakers again.  After that we went to the square dance late.  We just wanted to see if anyone would really show up.  They did but we couldn’t stay; we plan to go next week.  Evelyn and Sue then went to look for bathing suits and found some for $8.  It was such a lovely day that I wanted to play golf again.  Armand was sore from yesterday, so I went alone.  Since I was alone, I took a cart and played the back 9 which is quite a long drive.  I was back to normal in my score.  I came home for supper and then went to Advent service at Mercedes.  We normally try to go to an afternoon service and then go dancing.  The evening service was inspiring, dealing with the pastor who began the “Voice of the Martyrs” magazine.  Bonny caught me and said that she wanted to have a men’s chorus on Christmas Eve.  We plan to rehearse Fridays.

Thursday was a relaxing day.  We did some hanging of lights that I had found in working order.  Evelyn did finish some baking of cookies for Saturday but mostly relaxed and read.  At 7 she went to a Lutheran Women’s Missionary League meeting at church and I tried to get some more orders of service organized while she was gone.  I also delivered our decked and jingled bags to 3 neighbors after 10 when it was dark.  I had strengthened the chicken wire around our small garden during the afternoon.  Armand helped me get some of the lights in the shed working.  He is a very willing friend to help me with little odds and ends.

Friday morning we slept late again.  I got up shortly before 5 and couldn’t sleep until 8.  We didn’t get up until after 8.  I went out and finished hanging the lighted star above our Nativity scene in the yard.  I don’t like the bulbs, but they were all I had.  We dressed for the hospital and were surprised to learn that the hospital Christmas party was this afternoon.  I worked with my crew until 1:50 when I went to Bonny’s to practice.  Only Joe, Ken and I showed up.  Garry, the one who chose today, didn’t come.  I went back and worked until 4 when we all gathered in the conference center for the party.  Evelyn had worked all day decorating for the party.  We had a great time and saw several home made videos.  We always receive a gift from the hospital, and a raffle is held.  Evelyn and I both won: she a collection of plastic containers and I a 30 gallon cooler.  The interesting thing was that Evelyn had seen it while decorating and thought how nice it would be if we could win it.  God is much better to than we deserve.  We stayed home during the evening and watched a movie. 

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Back to work

Sunday was the first sermon of what may be my final season of preaching.  There were 24 people in attendance—about 13 more than I expected.  The church committee was disappointed but understanding.  They decided it was my responsibility to find my replacement.  Actually, we are not sure the Lord wants us to sell our house and leave.  We have a for sale sign on our house but may not have any lookers.  We are asking a great deal of money.  We returned home and went to work decorating our home for Christmas.  It was too hot to do much in the sun, so Evelyn worked inside and I juiced about 100 oranges Hamels had given us yesterday.  At 4:30 Joe and Bonny picked us up to go to dinner and a concert performance.  I used a coupon at the Bayou Grill and we saw a classical pianist in McAllen.

Monday we went to Silver Sneakers for the first time since returning.  We went on to deliver a box to the post office and some Scripture readings and Advent candles to Trail’s End for the people who help me greatly by running the services.  We had intended to ride to the park but couldn’t since we went to exercise.  We came home for lunch, and then our neighbor, Glenn, and I trimmed our neighbor, Judy’s, shrubs.  She had her right leg amputated last spring and appreciates help with things she used to do alone.  We showered and went to a memorial service for a friend in our park who had died last Saturday.  The service was very inspiring and a testimonial about his faith.  We planned to go to a square dance workshop after the service but no one showed up at the park.  We both had tired legs and lay down in bed for a short nap.  We worked on our outdoor Nativity lights before supper.  Afterward, I worked on the 4th Advent sermon and watched TV.  We watched a program featuring a visit to the home of Drew Brees.  He is quite an outstanding person.  It is becoming humid and perhaps will bring some rain during the next 7 days.  3/4 of Texas is under a severe draught.  We pray for rain.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Where have I been?

We have been in Texas for 3 weeks now.  We have been to 1 concert and out to eat with Joe and Bonny.  We have cleaned out our shed and disposed of some things just today at a patio sale at The Hamel’s.  I have been working on the sermons for Advent.  I have 3 finished and also the ancillary items: hymns, etc.  The first of the season is tomorrow.  We have not returned to Silver Sneakers exercises as yet but home to soon.  We spent all morning helping John and Sue at the aforementioned patio sale.  It was the second time we had provided a meal for them because we had taken lunch to their house.  John had come over and found a problem with our 2010 tax return and composed a letter asking for advice on whether to file an amended return or not.  Our neighbors, Armand and Rose, arrived, and we have played golf once last week.  We have decorated the interior of our house for Christmas but not the outside.  We will begin that tomorrow afternoon.  Everything gets very dirty and dusty here, so we have to wash it off from being in storage.  We have resumed our volunteering at the local hospital with the friends we have worked with for over 5 years.  We have been blessed to see Purdue clinch another bowl appearance.  We wonder why the coach has been fired.  I guess he was expected to win the Big Ten championship in 4 years.  We also plan to resume square dancing next week.  We also had Thanksgiving dinner with Don and Janice Waters and their family.  We also plan to be with them here for Christmas dinner.  That probably catches us up from the cruise.