Thursday, March 31, 2011

Good food and a movie

We didn’t eat breakfast after exercise because we had a lunch date with Hamels. We picked them up and went to Dillard’s to return the outfit Evelyn bought Monday. We had to charge it because Evelyn didn’t have her gift card with her, but she did today. The exchange of payment went smoothly and she came out with the re paid outfit. We then went to the Mexican buffet at the Remington Steak House. We loved the offerings and we paid for the lunch because we wanted to give John something for playing at our worship services. We came home around 1:30 and dropped them off because Sue was not feeling good. We had thought we would join them in worship at the church they attend for Lenten services, but they never came because she must have been sicker than we thought. We came home, napped and took a walk around the park. I wanted to hit some practice balls in our net cage. We came home and had popcorn while we watched “Secretariat”. Sue Hamel had loaned us many DVDs but only 2 were worth watching: The King’s Speech and Secretariat.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The past 3 days

We are down to 25 at our worship services because many are gone back north. We came home for lunch and relaxed most of the day. The park was much quieter too. We talked with the girls for our weekly visit. I did some beginning prep on next week’s service. We had our popcorn as we watched some of The Black Swan until Evelyn couldn’t take it any more. I didn’t like it from the beginning. We didn’t do much else.
Monday took us to McAllen after exercise to have the car reprogrammed as suggested by the recall. We got there and were driven to the mall while the work was done. We found an outfit for Evelyn at Dillard’s and then were driven back to get the car around noon. We had to wait a bit more and met a young man who was an entertainer from Branson who was down here working for the winter. We went to a restaurant for a free barbecue sandwich but had to wait in line for 4 0 minutes. I learned why when I saw that the pork sandwich was $1 that day. We returned home and rested until Don and Janice came for her birthday dinner of crawfish etouffee. We played dominoes for about an hour afterward. We have such a good time with them and prayed together for the last time this season. We talked about taking a trip of some kind with them this summer, but Don is reluctant to leave his farm. So it probably won’t happen.
Tuesday was our first of 3 doctor days this week. Evelyn had an appointment for 8:30. I showered and found that the toilet stool tank would not refill. I took her and went to get Dick Hiebert to work on the stool. He rides his bicycle to Whataburger each morning to meet with some friends for breakfast. I took him to his house for his tools and went to our house. We had to get a new float at the hardware store. As I took him back to get his bicycle, I stopped to see if Evelyn was finished. She wasn’t so I took him to get his bike and dropped his tools off at his house while he rode home. I went back to get Evelyn and we came home for breakfast. We then went back to the oncologist for appointment 2 at 11. We didn’t leave there until after noon. The good news is that the cancer is still in remission, but he scheduled her annual mammogram for next week. We went to CVS for some Pepsi on our way home for me to grab some lunch in a hurry. Glen Combs picked me up at 1 to play golf. We had a cart and played 9 holes. I was sporadic again but felt good having not played for 2 weeks. It was pretty hot so we had taken some beer to drink. Evelyn had worked on cleaning some flower pots while I was gone. I was drowsy so I took a walk while she finished a book, Heaven is Real. I will try to read it soon. We made a quick trip to Mexico to get some tequila and Bailey’s for Shirley and then finished the Eat, Love, Pray movie. It didn’t get any better to me.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

More heat

We slept until almost 9—this is Evelyn’s day off. She then did some laundry (her day off from leading exercise!), and I went over the service for tomorrow. I am using the sermons given to me several years ago at our Lenten services workshop. I am still moved by the message the seminary professor gave us then. The messages focus on the ironies during the last days of Jesus’ earthly life. This one focused on the sin and desperation of Judas after the betrayal. Judas didn’t have to “see to [his sin] himself” because Jesus had died to bring forgiveness to all who confess them and trust in God’s promises. That message warms and reassures my heart. I will love to remind those left in our worship circle tomorrow morning. We went off to the Academy sports shop and bought me 2 pairs of slip on shorts to wear while riding on our return trip and then to Whataburger for lunch before going to work at the Onion festival. We volunteer there for the hospital for 3 hours each year. Evelyn got into a snippy argument with a Canadian man who thought he knew everything about nutrition. He had accosted the wrong woman. I guess they finally came to a truce. I ran the alcohol information wheel. People spun a roulette type wheel and I asked them a question that corresponded with the color of dot on which it stopped. Of course, I had a lot of fun joking with the players but gave pencils, pens, or a small container of hand sanitizer to everyone who played. The cards containing the questions had the answers on the back, some of which were wrong or incomplete. We were very hot under the tent where the booth was. The tent had open sides which helped us to use the natural breeze for some comfort. It was hot enough that we didn’t stay long after our shift. There was some very good music played by various bands throughout the afternoon. We even danced a bit on the grass as we left the area. The big draw is the deep fried onions that are sold each year. There were 3 booths this year—the most we have ever seen there. Evelyn needed to color her hair and had the choice of my doing it or asking the friend we ate with last evening to do it. Her experience and my lack of made me go to her house to bring her here. She finished quickly and I took her home. On my way back I encountered to women travelling in a Roadtrek from Quebec. They wanted a site to live in but couldn’t find anyone in the office. I took them to a site and left them there. After supper, we watched “The King’s Speech”, winner of the academy award. We both thought it was very good. I also worked on tomorrow’s service.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Breaking up the Friday crew

I went to Dan’s to get the tickets he won’t use so I could give them to Pedro, the security guard who works for us at the hospital. I then went off to have the AARP volunteers help me do our federal income taxes. I got a woman who was very hospitable but did things in more detail than I would have. Regardless, she did a good job. The supervisor was a man I knew from Drive safety training classes. He talked me into having our refund wired to our credit union. I had to come home and get a deposit slip so it could be entered into our form. We ate lunch and dressed for the hospital and went there after giving the deposit slip to the AARP. This was the final day for the season that Lionel will be with us. We had a good last day together. Paul and I will be back next Friday. Evelyn picked up our tickets for tomorrow’s work at the Onion Festival. I also took her new computer and, after a struggle, got on line to send the thank you email to our park manager. We came home and entertained Roger and Judy Nickerson for shrimp cocktail and drinks. They invited us to go out with them for Chinese food and we went even though I was not very hungry. We went because we don’t get invited out by many people in our park and want to accept each one we can. We were home by 8:30 and washed the dishes from the small party. Evelyn was very tired and went to bed while I worked on the computer. I wanted to take Winstons and Hamels out for breakfast , but Winstons are in Austin and Hamels are sick. I went to bed too after the news. We get to sleep in tomorrow.

Dinner with friends

Thursday morning we went to the hospital for our annual X-ray and blood draw. Evelyn had hers drawn at the Doctor’s last week, but I had mine done. We began at 7:30 and were finished by 9. We then went to breakfast at Pimentos. We had breakfast tacos and were blessed to be shown around the lovely building by the man who designed and built it. I will try to get some pictures someday. I cut the grass on our lawn, the neighbor’s lawn and his mother’s lawn. We took showers before lunch. We finished the dishes from last night and today and took a nap because we were to go to John and Sue’s for dinner. We arrived at 4 and played dominoes. Half way through we ate the beef stroganoff she had prepared. She doesn’t cook much but did a good job on this. It wasn’t as good as Evelyn’s but was good. We finished the dominoes game and came home because Sue was tired. We worked on the computer for a while. We may take a cruise with John and Sue during the summer. They want to go and we need to use our deposit this year. I will do some research on both the cruise line and the Amtrak schedule.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Good Canadian friends for Cajun dinner

Wednesday is Lenten service day. We normally go in the evening but went at noon today. We gave Bonny a coupon for a restaurant on the Island since they will go during the summer. We also learned that she will not be here for the next couple of weekends, making it impossible for a choir to develop. We returned home for lunch and continued food prep after a nap. We were tired from riding into the wind. Lloyd and Marilyn came for boudin and crawfish etouffee. We were delightfully surprised that they really seemed to enjoy both dishes. We had been apprehensive that they might be too spicy for their taste. After dinner we played Ramolie, a game similar to our Tripoley. We cleaned up the kitchen after they left and went to bed at the regular time.

Surprise bike ride

Tuesday found me looking all over the park for someone who would take the hockey tickets. I found one of our park maintenance people who wanted to take 5 of them. He came to the house and I gave them to him. Today was to be the final ride with the bike club for the season. We were working on preparing etouffee for tonight’s dinner when we realized we would barely get to the hall for the departure time. We rushed there only to find that no one was there. We checked and found that the departure time was 15 minutes earlier than we thought. We were only slightly behind so we went anyway. The wind was behind us most of the of the way but not on the return. When we arrived at the first rest spot, another rider, Dan Servais, caught us and we finished the ride to the golf course together. We were surprised to find no one at the restaurant. We waited to order but went ahead and ate. When we returned, we learned that 3 others had met but given up when no one was there. We took a nap and began working on chopping for the etouffee we wanted to serve tomorrow night. Evelyn copped out on the hockey game, so I went to get Joe and Bonny. Since Evelyn wouldn’t go, Bonny wouldn’t either. Joe and I went alone. It was Joe’s first game ever and he seemed to enjoy it. We were home early.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I can't give them away!

We went to the park meeting today, and I announced that I had 20 tickets for the hockey game tomorrow night. I thought many Canadians would like to go, but not one would or could go. We went on an errand run. I went to Gerry Bower’s office to get the 25 tickets for the hockey games. I tried to give them away but only found 2 people interested. We also bought a gift card from WalMart, and then did some shopping for items to use in making etouffee for our neighbors. Evelyn invited them for dinner Wednesday evening. Joe and Bonny had invited us to go with them to the Vipers basketball game. They didn’t play any better than Purdue did yesterday. We did enjoy being with them and planned to go to the hockey game tomorrow night. Evelyn says she will not go, making it likely that Bonny won’t go. I am not sure whether anyone will go without them.


We had a good worship service with 34 in attendance. Several people are planning to leave for the north this next week. We left there and went to Immanuel for a special talk that Bonny wanted us to hear. We went out for dinner with the speaker from the Dallas area. He talked about missionaries from other countries who come to the U.S. and start congregations for immigrants from their own countries. We came home for a nap and were joined by Joe and Bonny to watch the Purdue debacle in the NCAA tournament. We enjoyed the visit and the popcorn and peanuts during the “game”. We were heartbroken since this is likely the last time for a while for Purdue to have a chance to make it to the final 4. They have never done that.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Stock show creations

There are many more projects than just livestock. Here are some barbecue wagons made by FFA boys. The grand champion is themed around armadillos. Can you find any. Our picture is in front of the information station where we work.

Kitchen band farewell party

We took our clothes to the hall at 7:30 when the sale was supposed to start. But, as is the custom with geezers, it had been funning for half an hour before we got there. We stayed for just over an hour and sold a few items. We returned home and helped our neighbor, Judy, clean her driveway and tables for the party she would host this afternoon. We then went to the stock show again to work for the 3rd time. We were to work from 1-5 but were told to go home by the couple who relieved us at 3. It was a warm day again and we were happy to get home to our air conditioned mobile. We rested for a while and then went to Judy’s for the farewell party for the kitchen band. We had another delicious carry-in and visit with our fellow entertainers. We are thankful for God to use us to bring some happiness to the nursing home residents. We had some good conversations with the people there and were happy that Tom, the leader of our band and husband of Judy, was able to be with us again. He will come home to stay next week. He has been in rehab for about 6 months and is much stronger. We all worry that Judy will not be strong enough to care for him around the clock. She has had heart trouble herself and gets tired, almost to the point of exhaustion. We will help he all we can.
I must also tell my readers that our neighbor, Lloyd, brought 4 of his recipes for Bailey's Irish Creme to us and we might make some in NC this summer. It might be fun to make but might also be more expensive to make than to buy.

Volunteer awards

After exercise Friday, I vacuumed the house and Evelyn cleaned the kitchen floor. I then cut the grass as per our agreement with the neighbor: I cut the grass in the winter and he in the summer. This time I cut his mother’s grass across the street because he had surgery on his shoulder yesterday. It was then time to dress for the annual awards banquet for the hospital volunteers. We met and sat with Paul, Donna, and Lionel. We all received awards: Evelyn for 500+ hours served and I for 5 years served. We had a delicious steak Dianne and 4 deveined large shrimp, a vegetable medley, wild rice and a delicious dessert. The hospital is very generous with us. We came home after the awards program and watched Purdue play in the NCAA tournament. They won and will play again Sunday. We took a walk to the hall so we could inspect the offerings in tomorrow’s garage sale. We went through some of our clothes and prepared several items to take for sale tomorrow morning.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

getting too happy

Evelyn had not slept well, being up for 3 hours during the night. We still had to get up at the usual time. I dressed and went off to play golf on winter Texan appreciation day at Tierra Santa. I had registered and volunteered to work from 12-2, but play at 8:30. When I arrived, the starter expected to have me bring 3 others. Since I was alone, I was given a pull cart and placed with 4 others in riding carts. They happened to be from Trail’s End but not among our worshippers. I was able to keep up with them but played very inconsistently, parring one hole and getting a 10 on another. I finished at 11 and hoped Evelyn would be able to get a ride with someone else to the golf course for a hot dog lunch. She had gone to the kitchen band performance but no one wanted a free lunch. Meanwhile I began drinking beer, and, after half an hour, ate my hotdogs and reported for duty. I was to return golf carts to the starter after people unloaded their clubs after playing. I saw some people from our square dance lessons and several from our park. After 1 hour, I was asked to go help with hot dogs because we had too many people at my job. I went but they had too many too. I met a young girl who used to volunteer at the hospital with us and had a good time visiting. I also saw Fran and Lionel and sat with them for a while. I had been drinking beer while working with the carts and continued with them. I drank until my time to serve was up at 2 (even though I had done nothing since 1). There were 2 Canadian women who wanted to dance but had no partners, so I danced with them. This is quite a party each year featuring a tent, dance floor and a band. This plus limitless beer, 2 hot dogs and fee golf with a cart. I left and came home. Evelyn had just lay down and I joined her. I was a bit too “happy” from spending too much time in front of the keg. I slept for 2 ½ hours. We had tickets to the soup supper at our hall. This is a new activity at our park. There is a happy hour followed by servings of white chili, hamburger soup and Irish stew. We missed the happy hour because I was too happy from the golf course. We still had a good time dancing and visiting with a couple we had not met before. Our neighbor, Tom Kruse, was there from the rehab hospital and will come to his home next week. We came home and watched some of the NCAA tournament.

A very busy day

Most of the next few days will be hot and windy as was today. I went to see about our front end recall and learned the brake pulsating might mean the rotors need to be turned. But I found the receipt from the work in NC and saw that they had been turned in July. I will call to make an appointment to have the recall adjustment done next week. We then went to the final square dance of the season. We were asked to dress up more than usual, so Evelyn wore a skirt and I wore my beige jeans and western shirt. Most of the women wore the crinoline skirts that are usually associated with square dancing. We were given a “diploma” for finishing the mainstream course. We had a finger food lunch of things that all the dancers had brought. We returned home and changed clothes for our shift at the stock show. It was, as formerly noted, hot and windy. Our little shack called the information station blocks some of the breeze, making us a bit uncomfortable. We had another couple for the second hour of our shift, so we took an hour to walk around and visit the break room. They took the last hour for the same purpose. We left there and went directly to church. We came home pretty much worn out. This kind of life is hard on old people.


We were at the doctor’s office at 8:15 for an 8:45 appointment. I went on to have my friend look at our Saturn front end that is beginning to pulsate erratically while we stop. He needed to see the recall notice before doing anything. I returned to be with Evelyn. The doctor looked at her knee and sent her across the street for an X-ray. He made an appointment for her with an orthopedist on April. We were able to make it to the final Bible study for the season. It was a challenge to live out our Christian lives. We went to Whataburger for a breakfast sandwich and came home. We took a short nap and then I went to work on the message for Sunday. While I was working, the resident computer geek came to help me install some free virus protection. I had bought one on line but couldn’t get it to install properly. I made the mistake of mentioning that I had bought a laptop for Evelyn, and he immediately wanted to set it up for us. I told him that my grandson could do it, and I was unwilling to pay him much to do it. He agreed and drank 2 Bud Lights that Armand had given me. Evelyn and I stayed home. I watched some of the movie, The Count of Monte Cristo and went to bed.

Leaving the Valley

Coming back to the stands for the shovel race

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kids chasing calves at the ranch rodeo

Bumper car attack

High in the sky

More rides in the sky

find Rosalie in each picture

Rosalie on the rides

Dinner and a theatre

We took Rosalie to the Macaroni Grill for dinner prior to going to the French Chamber Music performance. She and Evelyn shared a delicious Italian chicken dish. She seems excited.

Rosalie at the stock show

Rosalie was able to visit with Morgan Waters (the taller one) and Karen Waters (shorter). The girls are 11 and 9 respectively. They were there to show their heifers at the stock show. They did well in the judging and will take the cattle home to breed them to start a larger herd.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Catching up on sleep

We tried to talk with Emily this morning, but the MagicJack wasn’t working well. We did learn that Rosalie made it home. Evelyn took the key to the exercise but didn’t stay because her knee is hurting. She made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow morning. We went to the next to last Bible study and then home for lunch. We were both tired and took a nap. I rode my bike to the square dance lesson to tell them we would be there on Wednesday morning for the last dance of the season. Only 1 person came to talk with me. I rode back into the wind, around time for our spinach salad. We took a walk around the park and found it to be a lovely evening to be outside in Texas. Evelyn did some sewing on the repair of the piano cover from Trail’s End and our Purdue flag. I worked on stopping a virus on the computer and watched part of the movie The Count of Monte Cristo. Jim Caveziel is the lead actor. He later starred in The Passion of the Christ.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

End of a wonderful week with R

Sunday we arose with an hour less sleep than yesterday. We were off to church where we had Holy Communion with 38 other Christians. We have a new amplifier system with a lapel microphone. Jim Bruhn found it for sale on Ebay and got a very good deal on it. Many people have expressed difficulty in hearing some of the service and this will help. We came home and R finished packing for her trip home. She wanted to have a milk shake so we went to Jack in the Box where I had a bogo coupon. We went from there to Church’s chicken for lunch. Bonny had come home from the skiing trip yesterday and met us for a short visit with R. We went off to the airport. Evelyn got a voucher to allow her to go up to the gate area with R, but was told only 1 person could go. I was able to persuade the authorities to allow me a voucher too. We had our final hugs and R boarded the plane pretty much on time. We went to Kohl’s to shop for shorts for Evelyn. She found only 1 pair she liked. We also went to Tuesday Morning to look for a “butter shaver”. They had none as was the case at the store on the Island. We came on home and took a nap. We had invited Bonny and Joe to come for games at 6 tonight but never heard from them. We talked with Janice and Helen Fisher during the evening but heard nothing about Rosalie’s arrival at Columbus. We prayed before she left that she would have no problem changing planes in St. Louis. We assume she did well but are disappointed that we have not heard. It is back to normal tomorrow.

2 dozen rides at the stock show

Saturday was the first day of the stock show so we went so Rosalie could ride. She and I went to the hall for the Saturday pancake breakfast, and then Evelyn took her to look for boots at a local bootmaker. Rosalie wants pointed toes and Evelyn wants her to have square toes. She didn’t get either. They came home and packed a lunch for us to take to the show. We drove in and Rosalie began to ride in the carnival area. We had bought her a wrist band allowing her to ride anything she wanted all day. She rode for 2 hours and then we went to the volunteer break room to eat lunch. We went back to the midway and she rode more until 4 when we came home. We did spend a bit of time looking for some boots in the exhibit building without success. We came home and Rosalie gave Evelyn a pedicure and E gave R a manicure. In the meantime we made a pizza from scratch using some of the pulled pork we had brought home. Pulled pork is not outstanding for a pizza mix even though we added fennel seed for flavor. I noticed that the ranch rodeo was tonight, so I asked R if she would like to go. She said yes and off we went. It was a cool evening after a very hot afternoon and we wore jackets. Various ranches sent teams of 5 cowboys to compete. We saw 4 events: steer roping, calf branding, a rescue race, and shovel racing. Then there was an event for the children. All kids were invited into the arena to chase calves with bandanas on their tails. R participate and had a good time. We left after the mutton busting event. I stayed up too late since daylight savings time began Sunday.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Comparative turtle size poster

I forgot to include this one.

Educational items at South Padre

These are pictures at the sea turtle rescue hospital. Many turtles were chilled in the cold weather this past February and were nursed back to health. Many turtles lay eggs on the island and are protected by this group. Othere turtles are injured, etc. and need help too. Young people give lectures to groups that are interested. You may recognize 2 of these turtles. Sea turtles come in many sizes as illustrated by the poster.

Spring break fun

College kids riding on a banana "boat". They dumped twice while we were watching.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Farm and culture

After exercise Evelyn and Rosalie went to the Weslaco Museum but there was no children’s program as we had thought. They stayed a short while and went to the Chamber of Commerce and watched a video on sugar cane farming. After a trip to the grocery, they came home for lunch. I had practiced the sermon and order of service for Sunday and discovered a mistake I had made. I was thankful that the Lord showed it to me. Rosalie wanted to swim a bit, so I took my computer to the hall while she did. I wanted to upload some pictures to the blog but couldn’t get the Wifi there to do it. It should have since it is much faster than my aircard. We played a few rounds of shuffleboard before coming home. The girls dressed in some western garb for going to the stock show while I uploaded some pictures using my humble aircard. I was surprised. We went to the stock show to see Don and Janice’s grandchildren show their heifers. We enjoyed visiting with them and watching them curry and blow dry their cattle. They have to be as sleek as they can make them for judging. The 4 grandkids had 6 to show. The eldest boy didn’t do well. He was 3rd out of 6 in his class. The cow was unruly and dragged him on the floor of the arena after the judging. The next class had the next boy and the younger girl. The boy, Robert, won the blue ribbon. That is his heifer did. The girl was 3rd. We had to leave before the older girl could show because Joe Winston was coming to get us at 5 to go for dinner at Macaroni Grill and then to the concert featuring French Chamber music. We had a delightful Italian dinner. I went to the restroom and was surprised to hear recorded translations of English into Italian. I didn’t learn much in a short time. The chamber music group from France was unable to come to McAllen but was replaced by a similar group. The performance featured mostly strings with 1 flute and 1 piano. They performed a Mozart and a Tchaikovsky piece. The talent was amazing but we 3 adults drifted off to sleep at least once during the show. We came home for dessert and to watch some of the Purdue game I had recorded. Purdue was slaughtered, killing any chance for them to be the number 1 seed in the NCAA tournament next week.

More beach

My cold wife enjoying the outdoors.

At the beach

We took Rosalie and her $9 beautiful toes to South Padre Island. It was pretty windy.

Another active day with Rosalie.

After exercise the girls baked a cake for the bike club wind up party. I went to perform with the kitchen band because there were many members missing. I came home and got my bike, joining the scavenger hunt. There were questions to be answered and clues to go to the next question. It was a beautiful day and everyone enjoyed the ride around the park. We had a carry in lunch, and the current president pleaded for someone to take the position for next year. No one volunteered so the club may be dead. That is if we don’t take it. We will pray about the matter. Evelyn took Rosalie to the pool and I took a nap after downloading some lectionary summaries for the next month. Then we all went to the shuffle court and I played a game with Rosalie. We returned home around 6 and watched an animated movie after supper. I had earlier found the Schwann’s truck in our park and bought a “half gallon” of ice cream which we enjoyed in the evening. Armand sent an email from Oklahoma where they will spend the night. We will miss them. Rosalie was finally able to talk with her family a bit this afternoon. I will try to post some pictures sometime soon. I can’t do it from here any longer because I have been using Armand’s high speed router all winter. We have high speed internet at the hall but I won’t go there very often.
I must mention that Rosalie has been a big hit with the people here. She has gone to many events with us and has been very compatible with the geezers. She has been very willing to help with the cooking and cleaning. She helped with out party and was one of the best dancers at Monday's lesson. We will try to relax a bit more during the day tomorrow until around 3 when we will start another sefies of events.

Bad day at the beach

Armand and I were off to Mexico by 7:45. We went directly to the farmacia and asked for our money back. To my surprise, he returned it in cash with a smile. We went to another farmacia and bought the same pills for $20 less. We then had a cup of coffee, bought a couple of bottles of tequila for Pieder, and came home. We had decided to skip the square dance and went to South Padre Island instead. It was a poor day to go—windy and very chilly. We sat out on the beach and walked anyway for a couple of hours. Around 2 we went to a restaurant for which I had a coupon. I was shocked to see that the place didn’t take those coupons any longer. They did give us $10 off our bill because that is what they thought we had paid for it. We sat on the bay side which was warmer than the gulf side and watched some college spring beakers ride a banana boat. They dumped off twice. We drove back home after buying gas. It cost nearly $50 to fill our tank at the current price. We used to nearly fill our motor home for that amount. We came home for supper and dressed for church. It is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. We went for a Dairy Queen with Joe Winston afterward and discussed our plan for Friday night’s concert in McAllen. We came home and I discovered that the phone was off. Rosalie had 7 messages from her family. I had been wondering why they hadn’t called. She will call them tomorrow. Armand and Rose leave for home tomorrow, but we weren’t able to say goodbye because they had company and we went to bed.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

A day in Mexico

Rosalie: front and back

We left for Mexico after exercise, skipping the Bible study. We got the DVD from Donna and watched it later in the evening. We went directly to the beauty shop for a hair braid and pedicure for Rosalie and a hair cut for me. I walked around looking for tequila prices and the dentist to get my tooth fixed but the dentist was busy. I also went to get some medicine for our neighbor. I had to pay $80 for 80 pills and was shocked at the price. I had to charge it on a credit card with the option of returning them. I hope that will happen because we will return them tomorrow morning. We walked around in the sweltering heat looking for gifts for Rosalie to take home to her siblings. We left there at around 2 with 2 bottles of tequila and the gifts. We stopped for lonches on the way home. We had them for lunch. But I had to return to the restaurant because I had ordered 10 of them and only received 5 by mistake—mine. The woman who brought the first ones to me spoke only Spanish, I misunderstood the communication. We finished lunch and then the girls went to the pool. I was very tired and took a nap while they were gone. We spent the evening watching “MegaMind”, a movie Rosalie had bought in Mexico and the Bible study we had missed this morning. We also watched an episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska that I had recorded.


corn rows and pretty feet.